
Emotive Amiga Code

In this post, I respond to July 2023’s T-SQL Tuesday #164 Invitation and talk about emotive code on the Amiga.

tsql tuesday

Table of Contents


This month’s T-SQL Tuesday comes from Erik Darling. To paraphrase his invitation:

Think back to the last time you saw code that made you feel a thing. Hopefully a positive thing. Think along the lines of: surprise, awe, inspiration, excitement. Or maybe it was just code that sort of sunk its teeth into you and made you want to learn a whole lot more.

Now, while Erik’s invitation mentions the last time, I want to talk about the first time. This is an ideal opportunity to expand on something I wrote on my About page about AMOS tutorials. But before I start explaining why I consider some mid-nineties Amiga code to be emotive, I should explain a few things.

Key Topics

This section introduces some of the key topics I talk about in this post.


The Amiga home computer was first released by Commodore in 1985, and was one of the first computers with custom graphics and sound hardware.

Amiga500 system
An Amiga 500

The Amiga was designed to compete with the Apple Macintosh and the IBM PC. It had a custom chipset and a multitasking operating system. These made the Amiga appeal to a wide range of audiences including:

The Amiga also had expansion capabilities, with various third-party add-ons available like the Video Toaster production tool. This allowed the Amiga to be used for visual effects in TV shows like Babylon 5 and SeaQuest DSV, and films like Apollo 13 and Titanic.

The Amiga Wikipedia page has information on history, chipsets, trivia and more.

Amiga Format

Amiga Format was a monthly UK computer magazine published from 1989 to 2000.

logo amiga format

Broadly, there were three types of Amiga magazines:

  • Game-focused magazines like Amiga Power (Yayyy – Ed).
  • Serious magazines like Amiga Shopper.
  • Magazines with some of both, like Amiga Format.

Amiga Format was about 50% games to 50% serious. This expanded to their coverdisks, with a fairly even split of utilities and game demos across each month’s disks.

My first Amiga Format was issue 30, purchased alongside the family Amiga 500+ Cartoon Classics bundle:

AmigaFormat iss30

And I still have them both! Young me chucked the magazine around a fair bit, so years later I bought a copy from eBay in better condition. I’ll get some photos on Instagram when I get a chance.

The Amiga Format Wikipedia page has some additional information including some regular features.


AMOS (or to give its full name AMOS BASIC) is an Amiga dialect of the BASIC game programming language.


First published in 1990 by Europress Software, AMOS was well received and sold over 40,000 copies worldwide.

Interaction comes via the AMOS Editor: a text editor with the AMOS language built into it. This allows users to type, edit, save and run AMOS programs from within the editor, without the need for a separate runtime tool or compiler.


The AMOS Wikipedia page goes into more technical detail, and this PowerPrograms page has a user’s AMOS perspective.

In addition, AMOS Professional has a GitHub repo, and I would be remiss if I didn’t include Dan Wood’s excellent AMOS retrospective video:


In this section, I talk about the Amiga code that ended up being so emotive and indirectly set my future career in motion.

Scene Setting

It’s Christmas 1992, and I’m a young shark pup still in single digits. I hit the newsagent’s magazine shelves with pocket money in hand and buy that month’s Amiga Format:

AmigaFormat iss42

Yes – it does say January 1993 on the cover. Before writing this post I never had a good explanation for this, so I reached out to the Amiga Addict Discord for some clarity.

It turns out that, during this period, Amiga Format produced issues every four weeks instead of monthly. Former Amiga Format editor Marcus Dyson speaks about this at around 38:30 in Maximum Power Up podcast episode 139.

But anyway.

Throughout 1992, Amiga Format’s coverdisks featured a series of fully-functional software packages known as The Amiga Format Collection. This collection included:

  • Fractal landscape generator Vista (AF33)
  • HAM paint and animation package Spectracolor Jr (AF35)
  • Machine code assembler Devpac 2 (AF39)

Adorning Amiga Format 42’s cover was AMOS:

af42 1993 01 d1

I’d read about AMOS before. Amiga Format issue 35 had a demo of Easy AMOS, and even the games-centric Amiga Power mentioned AMOS in its Public Domain section. And now, suddenly every Amiga Format buyer had an unrestricted copy of it.

Amiga Format partnered this with a Learning AMOS magazine section. Basic principles, syntax and screenshots were introduced across nine pages, with the tenth page having a tutorial for a scrolling text demo. This was to be the first part of a monthly Mastering AMOS series.

What A Pong

Now, young me didn’t pay much attention to this part of issue 42. It was Christmas after all, and I had demos of Lemmings 2, Fire & Ice and Bill’s Tomato Game to keep me busy!

Enter Amiga Format issue 43. This month’s AMOS tutorial was Solo Pong – a simple version of Pong with the player controlling both bats. This was deliberate – the focus here was on learning AMOS as opposed to learning coding.

Young me was intrigued! The scrolling demo didn’t really appeal, but this was a game! The complete script was only half a page long, and the tutorial explained each line. So I gave it a shot, and within an afternoon I had my very own Pong clone!

2023 07 07 solopong

The code itself made no sense to me – I was copying words from a magazine onto a screen and hoping for the best. But I found the process itself captivating. The idea that all the software I’d run on my Amiga was made by words on a screen – and words that I could type myself at that – was a revelation!

On an unrelated note, Amiga Format 43 included the last of the Amiga Format Collection series – the database package Prodata. So not only did issue 43 introduce me to coding – it also foreshadowed my eventual tech career!

Mastering AMOS Legacy

Amiga Format continued the Mastering AMOS series until issue 51. They went on to include AMOS Professional with issue 67, and ran an Ultimate AMOS tutorial series from issue 68 to issue 73.

Damien Junior didn’t do much more with the Mastering AMOS series after Amiga Format 43. I vaguely remember having a go at the Amiga Format 44 tutorial, which added some bells and whistles to the existing Pong code. But after that, it started going over my head and I lost interest. Although to be fair, I was a child!

The coding curiosity remained. As the 1990s went by I found myself trying out Amiga Format’s DevPac 2 and Blitz Basic tutorials, and by the end of the 1990s I was learning Excel formulae and VBScript at school. During the 2000s I started using HTML, CSS and PHP, and began using T-SQL, Powershell and DAX at work in the 2010s.

Which brings me to the present day, where I find myself learning Python and experimenting with reStructuredText (for Read The Docs) and YAML (for CloudFormation). And I thought, after thirty years, why not revisit the Amiga Format tutorial and see how I feel about AMOS now?

Thirty Years Later

Like many self-respecting Amiga fans I have WinUAE installed on my laptop, and an ADF of the AMOS coverdisk isn’t hard to find. So I fired everything up! And, after thirty minutes of typing, squinting and error troubleshooting, witness the result of my mighty endeavour – SHARK PONG:

2023 07 07 sharkpong

I clearly wasn’t squinting hard enough though. In this script, AMOS uses the ball’s X coordinate to determine if a player has lost. Where the tutorial’s LOSE conditions are:

If X>=320 Then LOSE : Goto RESTART
If X<=-20 Then LOSE : Goto RESTART

I missed the minus in the second IF statement and wrote:

If X<=20 Then LOSE : Goto RESTART

Thus creating a version of Shark Pong that Left Paddle can never win, as the losing X coordinate is in front of the paddle:


But then again, it wouldn’t be an early 90s tutorial follow-along without an unintended and slightly hilarious bug, right? And the command to stop running the code? Control-C. That broke my brain briefly.

But yeah. Revisiting the same code that captivated me 30 years ago was a blast! The original tutorial code is in my GitHub for those curious to see it, both as an unformatted text file and in glorious BlitzBasic!

Further Reading


In this post, I responded to July 2023’s T-SQL Tuesday #164 Invitation and talked about emotive code on the Amiga.

I had a lot of fun writing this! A phrase like ’emotive Amiga code’ might not sound fascinating on paper, but it was interesting to revisit that tutorial after so long. I even finally answered a question that’s lingered in my head for a few decades.

Thanks to Erik for this month’s topic! My previous T-SQL Tuesday posts are here. If this post has been useful, please feel free to follow me on the following platforms for future updates:

Thanks for reading ~~^~~


YearCompass 2022-2023

In this post, I use the free YearCompass booklet to reflect on 2022 and to plan some professional goals for 2023.

Table of Contents


I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. Life moves fast! The idea that goals set on a given day will still be relevant in six or three months (or sometimes even one!) should be taken with a pinch of salt. Especially after working in technology for a while!

I prefer to not wait. My attitudes towards forward planning are best summed up by these quotes:

The best time to write a story is yesterday. The next best time is today.

R. A. Lafferty

The best time to do something significant is between yesterday and tomorrow.

Zig Ziglar

Enter YearCompass – a free tool for reflection and planning. I first heard about YearCompass from Brent Ozar:

I put it on my calendar for December and, well, here it is.

Additionally, on December 1st Paul Randal of SQLSkills posted an offer of mentorship. Paul wants to see a blog post from interested parties, which overlaps with YearCompass pretty well.

With this post, I can meet both goals at the same time. Whichever choice Paul makes, I’ll have a strong list of 2023 goals that I can refer to in the new year.

Let’s start by examining YearCompass.


From the YearCompass site:

YearCompass is a free booklet that helps you reflect on the year and plan the next one. With a set of carefully selected questions and exercises, YearCompass helps you uncover your own patterns and design the ideal year for yourself.

YearCompass started as a reflection tool for a small group of friends and was made publicly available in 2012. It is available as an A4 and A5 PDF, with options to fill out the booklet both digitally and by hand. YearCompass is currently available in 52 languages.

YearCompass positions itself as an alternative to New Year’s Resolutions. Each PDF has two sections. The first half examines the previous year and the second half considers the next one.

Each section consists of a series of prompts and questions. These guide the user through the reflection process and help them identify their priorities and plan for the future.

Some of the questions are:

  • What are you most proud of?
  • Who are the three people who influenced you the most?
  • What does the year ahead of you look like?

While prompts include:

  • List your three biggest challenges from last year.
  • This year, I will be bravest when…
  • I want to achieve these three things the most.

There are no hard and fast rules for completing YearCompass. The book suggests a break between sections, although some prefer to do the whole thing in one sitting.

Personally, I dedicated an hour to each section on separate days, then went back to it for the rest of the week as I remembered other things. This helped a lot with the sections I struggled on.

YearCompass 2023 Goals

In this section, I examine my 2023 professional goals from my YearCompass booklet.

Confidence Building & Anxiety Management

One of the reasons I started amazonwebshark was in response to the imposter syndrome I felt after becoming a Data Engineer in 2021. In the first half of 2022 I got the balance wrong, as what I was posting wasn’t really improving me as a Data Engineer. This ended up fueling the very anxiety I was trying to control!

My recent projects and posts have boosted my confidence and improved my data skills. I’ve been able to apply learnings from here to my working role, and have tried things here that have increased my fluency with our current codebase.

In 2023 I want to continue this momentum. I have some ideas for future projects that will flex my creativity, focus my development and further boost my confidence such as:

I also have subscriptions for A Cloud Guru and DataCamp, and want to explore those sites more next year. I’m going to have a proper think about prioritisation over Christmas, and will get some peer advice when I have some ideas.

Collaborating & Communicating

In the first few months of 2022, my confidence and anxiety issues led to slips in my communication and teamwork. I found it hard to ask for help and struggled to articulate myself, and was in a bad place for a while.

Thankfully I was about to get some help and turn this around over Summer. Although I’m still mixing things up when I talk at the moment, I’ve been about to bolster my communication skills and increase my value within my team.

If 2022 was about repair, then I want 2023 to be about strengthening. I have more Data Engineering knowledge than I did a year ago, and feel like my finger is more on the pulse at work now. I want to continue to add value to and bring resilience and agility to the projects we are responsible for.

Knowledge Sharing & Presenting

This year I’ve learned about a range of languages, tools and methodologies as part of my role. I’ve also earned the AWS Certified Developer Associate certification and the Microsoft SC-900 and AI-900 certifications, so I’ve improved my knowledge of topics like development, deployment, security, monitoring and machine learning.

While all this knowledge is great, it’s no good if it just stays in my head! On the back of boosting my confidence skills and bolstering my communication skills, I want to improve my knowledge-sharing and presentation skills.

I want to link my knowledge-sharing efforts to my efforts to improve my confidence and communication. Opportunities to apply my knowledge and skills at work are frequent, and being able to give knowledgeable, confident and persuasive suggestions and feedback will help both me and my team create value and meet our goals.

I also want to improve my presentation skills. We have regular departmental meetings that encourage lightning talks, and having presented twice this year I now feel that I have some good foundations to build on. I want to get more competent at presenting, with long-term ambitions to speak at a user group or community event when my confidence allows!


In this post, I used the free YearCompass booklet to reflect on 2022 and to plan some professional goals for 2023.

On reflection, my YearCompass 2023 goals relate to each other pretty well. Improving my communication skills and anxiety management will make it easier to collaborate and will help me present better. Improving my confidence will help me become more influential and persuasive, and I will feel more comfortable when sharing knowledge.

If this post has been useful, please feel free to follow me on the following platforms for future updates:

Thanks for reading ~~^~~


Fixing A Broken Tap With George Pólya

In this post, I use the principles in “How To Solve It” by George Pólya to diagnose and fix my broken kitchen tap. Yes – really.

Table of Contents


Bit of a change this time. Let me set the scene.

It’s time to top up Wolfie’s water bowl, so to the kitchen sink we go. Two unexpected events happen when the tap is turned on:

  1. The water flow goes mental and starts spraying everywhere.
  2. Something gets launched out of the tap into the water bowl:
Aerator Initial

My first thought is that the tap is broken and that I’ll need to buy a new one. And then get a plumber to fit it. Great.

But wait. Last year I fixed some broken panes in our greenhouse. This year I’ve built a potting bench, fixed a leaky water butt and mounted a shower rail. Is this a problem I can solve?

This Doesn’t Sound Like Technology

True. It is, though, a chance to write a post I’ve fancied doing for a while. And this set of circumstances was too compelling to pass up.

Last year I became aware of a book called “How To Solve It” by George Pólya. The recommendation included a chart based on the book, similar to this one:

Source: KPMathematics

What struck me was how close these steps were to the Systems Development Life Cycle I was taught at college. My interest was piqued.

Around the same time, I was getting to grips with my new Data Engineer role. Since then, I’ve used the “How To Solve It” principles to help me complete work both for my role and for this blog.

Now, faced with a new unfamiliar situation, I can demonstrate how the “How To Solve It” principles can be applied beyond mathematics. In this case I’m fixing a broken tap, but this could just as easily be a Python bug, a poorly performing SQL query or an AWS authentication issue.

Here is my plan:

  • Firstly, I’ll examine the “How To Solve It” book.
  • Secondly, I’ll look at the author of the book – George Pólya.
  • Then I’ll look at each of the George Pólya principles, relating them to the broken tap problem I want to solve.

Let’s start with the book.

How To Solve It

Source: Penguin

‘A superb book on how to think fresh thoughts … A walk inside Pólya’s mind as he builds up maxims on how to comprehend a problem, how to build up a strategy, and then how to test it.’

David Bodanis, Guardian

‘Everyone should know the work of George Polya on how to solve problems’

Marvin Minsky

How To Solve It can be bought on Penguin’s website.


How To Solve It was written in 1945 by George Pólya. Since then, the book has stayed in print and has been translated into over a dozen languages. It has sold more than 1 million copies, making it one of the most widely circulated mathematics books in history.

Four Principles

How To Solve It explains in non-technical terms how to think about invention, discovery, creativity and analysis. Central to this are four principles:

  1. First. You have to understand the problem.
  2. Second. Find the connection between the data and the unknown. You may be obliged to consider auxiliary problems if an immediate connection cannot be found. You should obtain eventually a plan of the solution.
  3. Third. Carry out your plan
  4. Fourth. Examine the solution obtained.

The book also poses several questions for each principle. They aim to stimulate thought and produce the answers needed to satisfy each principle.

These can be seen in the below image from the book’s first edition:

2022 10 25 HowToSolveItInsideCover

They are also available as text from the University of Utah’s summary of 1957’s second edition.

Although How To Solve It was written with mathematics in mind, the book’s principles have been applied to additional disciplines over the decades. Pólya seems to take great care not to limit the scope of How To Solve It, speaking of problems in general terms throughout the book.

One such example is this extract:

A great discovery solves a great problem but there is a grain of discovery in the solution of any problem. Your problem may be modest; but if it challenges your curiosity and brings into play your inventive faculties, and if you solve it by your own means, you may experience the tension and enjoy the triumph of discovery.

“How To Solve It” – George Pólya

How To Solve It remains in high regard to this day. The Math Sorcerer produced this video in July 2022, and his affection for the book is clear.


Next, let’s look at the book’s author – George Pólya.

George Pólya

George Pólya
Source: MacTutor

George Pólya (December 13 1887 – September 7 1985 aged 97) was a Hungarian mathematician. He was a professor of mathematics from 1914 to 1940 at ETH Zürich in Hungary, and from 1940 to 1953 at Stanford University in North America having moved there during World War 2.

After retiring from Stanford, Pólya remained active in his field. He continued his association with Stanford as Professor Emeritus well into his 90s and taught a course in their Computer Science Department in 1978.


In pure mathematics, Pólya made important discoveries in fields including probability, real and complex analysis, combinatorics, geometry, number theory and mathematical physics.

Several of his discoveries bear his name, including:

Pólya also authored and contributed to numerous books and articles throughout his life, a selection of which can be seen on Wikipedia.


Pólya was well-regarded by his peers and awards given to him included:

“He has given a new dimension to problem-solving by emphasizing the organic building up of elementary steps into a complex proof, and conversely, the decomposition of mathematical invention into smaller steps.”


“Problem solving a la Polya serves not only to develop mathematical skill but also teaches constructive reasoning in general.”


There is much more to know about Pólya. The following links detail his life, works and legacy in far greater detail:

Now I’m going to apply the George Pólya principles to my broken tap!

Applying The Principles

In the following sections, I will apply each George Pólya principle from How To Solve It to my tap problem. In each section I will:

  • Quote each principle in full.
  • State the supporting questions that I’ll answer.
  • Relate these to my tap problem.

Principle 1: Understanding The Problem

First. You have to understand the problem.

“How To Solve It” – George Pólya
  • What is the unknown? What are the data? What is the condition?

The Unknown

The unknown is what I want. Here, I want to restore the tap’s original flow rate.

The Data

The data is the information available. This is what was expelled from the tap:

Aerator Initial

Other data:

  • Water was still flowing from the tap.
  • The flow of water was under more pressure than before.

The Condition

The condition is the link between the unknown and the data. Here, whatever has come out of the tap has changed the water’s flow but hasn’t obstructed it.

Principle 2: Devising A Plan

Second. Find the connection between the data and the unknown. You may be obliged to consider auxiliary problems if an immediate connection cannot be found. You should obtain eventually a plan of the solution.

“How To Solve It” – George Pólya
  • Do you know a related problem? Do you know a theorem that could be useful?
  • Here is a problem related to yours and solved before. Could you use it? Could you use its result? Could you use its method?

I searched Google for the phrase “kitchen tap water flow changed”. There was an immediate common thread in the results:

2022 10 26 GoogleResults

The Estes Services link gave a useful definition of an aerator:

“The aerator on your faucet is a mesh screen and covers the water outlet. The aerator catches minerals and other debris in your pipes. It also helps save water by introducing air into the water stream.”

“How to Fix Low Water Pressure in Kitchen” on Estes

Getting somewhere! This led me to “Everything you Need to Know About Tap Aerators” on TapWarehouse, which includes this:

“They save you water by adding oxygen to the flow (and that means saving pennies) and reduce splashing around the bowl of the basin.”

“Everything you Need to Know About Tap Aerators” on TapWarehouse

Mesh screen? Reduced splashing? This definitely sounded like the right area!

Solved Problems

At this point, what came out of the tap sounded very much like an aerator. However, there’s no cleaning something that’s disintegrated, so it was time for a replacement.

TapWarehouse to the rescue again:

“If your existing tap already has an aerator, simply turn it anticlockwise until it’s unscrewed from the tap. Then, simply screw in the new aerator until it’s secure, being careful not to screw it too tightly.”

How can I Install a Tap Aerator?” on TapWarehouse

TapWarehouse also gave advice on aerator types. There are male and female aerators depending on the tap. There are also various aerator sizes ranging from 16mm to 28mm.

Planned Solution

Based on this research, the solution needed the following steps:

  • Remove the broken aerator.
  • Confirm the aerator type.
  • Confirm the aerator size.
  • Buy a replacement aerator.
  • Fit the replacement aerator.
  • Test the replacement aerator.

Principle 3: Carrying Out The Plan

Third. Carry out your plan.

“How To Solve It” – George Pólya
  • Carrying out your plan of the solution, check each step. Can you see clearly that the step is correct?

Time to remove the broken aerator! Straight into a problem. It wouldn’t budge.

Fortunately, there’s a DIY StackExchange! Advice ranged from WD-40 to vinegar to a hammer and chisel (!), but in the end I used my heat gun on the aerator and removed it with pliers.

I then determines that I needed a 24mm male aerator as a replacement. One trip to B&Q later and:

Aerator Replacement

Fitting the new aerator was a simple matter of screwing it on.

Principle 4: Looking Back

Fourth. Examine the solution obtained.

“How To Solve It” – George Pólya
  • Can you check the result?


Tap with running water


In this post, I used the principles in “How To Solve It” by George Pólya to diagnose and fix my broken kitchen tap. I applied each of the Pólya principles to my problem, and was able to solve it by answering the relevant questions and doing some investigation with the knowledge gained.

If this post has been useful, please feel free to follow me on the following platforms for future updates:

Thanks for reading ~~^~~