Developing & Application Integration

Simplified Data Workflows With AWS Step Functions Variables

In this post, I use AWS Step Functions variables and JSONata to create a simplified API data capture workflow with Lambda and DynamoDB.

Table of Contents


I’ve become an AWS Step Functions convert in recent times. Back in 2020 when I first studied it for some AWS certifications, Step Functions defined workflows entirely in JSON, making it less approachable and often overlooked.

How times change! With 2021’s inclusion of a visual editor, Step Functions became far more accessible, helping it become a key tool in serverless application design. And in 2024 two major updates significantly enhanced Step Functions’ flexibility: JSONata support, which I recently explored, and built-in variables, which simplify state transitions and data management. This post focuses on the latter.

To demonstrate the power of Step Functions variables, I’ll walk through a practical example: fetching API data, verifying the response, and inserting it into DynamoDB. Firstly, I’ll examine the services and features I’ll use. Then I’ll create a state machine and examine each state’s use of variables. Finally, I’ll complete some test executions to ensure everything works as expected.

If a ‘simplified’ workflow seems hard to justify as a 20-minute read…that’s fair. But mastering Step Functions variables now can save hours of debugging and development in the long run! – Ed

Also, special thanks to AWS Community Builder Md. Mostafa Al Mahmud for generously providing AWS credits to support this and future posts!


This section provides a top-level view of the architecture behind my simplified Step Functions variables workflow, highlighting the main AWS services involved in getting and processing API data. I’ll briefly cover the data being used, the role of Step Functions variables and the integration of DynamoDB within the workflow.

API Data

The data comes from a RESTful API that provides UK car details. The API needs both an authentication key and query parameters. Response data is provided in JSON.

The data used in this post is about my car. As some of it is sensitive, I will only use data that is already publicly available:

    "make": "FORD",
    "yearOfManufacture": 2014,
    "engineCapacity": 1242,
    "co2Emissions": 120,
    "fuelType": "PETROL",
    "markedForExport": false,
    "colour": "GREY",

There are several data types here. This will be important when writing to DynamoDB!

AWS Step Functions Variables

In my last post, I talked about JSONata in AWS Step Functions. This time let’s talk about Step Functions variables, which were introduced alongside JSONata in November 2024.

Step Functions variables offer a simple way to store and reuse data within a state machine, enabling dynamic workflows without complex transformations. They work well with both JSONata and JSONPath and are available at no extra cost in all AWS regions that support Step Functions.

Variables are set using Assign. They can be assigned static values for fixed values:

"Assign": {
    "productName": "product1",
    "count" : 42,
    "available" : true

As well as dynamic values for changing values. To dynamically set variables, Step Functions uses JSONata expressions within {% ... %}. The following example extracts productName and available from the state input using the JSONata $states reserved variable:

"Assign": {
    "product": "{% $states.input.productName %}",
    "available": "{% $states.input.available %}"

Variables are then referenced using dollar signs ($), e.g. $productName.

There’s tonnes more to this. For details on name syntax, ASL integration and creating JSONPath variables, check the Step Functions Developer Guide variables section. Additionally, watch AWS Principal Developer Advocate Eric Johnson‘s related video:

With Step Functions variables handling data transformation and persistence, the next step is storing processed data efficiently. This is where Amazon DynamoDB comes in.

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database built for high performance and seamless scalability. Its flexible, schema-less design makes it perfect for storing and retrieving JSON-like data with minimal overhead.

DynamoDB can automatically scale to manage millions of requests per second while maintaining low latency. It integrates seamlessly with AWS services like Lambda and API Gateway, providing built-in security, automated backups, and global replication to ensure reliability at any scale.

Popular use cases include:

  • Serverless backends (paired with AWS Lambda/API Gateway) for API-driven apps.
  • Real-time workloads like user sessions, shopping carts, or live leaderboards.
  • High-velocity data streams from IoT devices or clickstream analytics.


Finally, here is an architectural diagram of my simplified Step Functions variables workflow:

In which:

  1. The user triggers an AWS Step Functions state machine with a JSON key-value pair as input.
  2. A Lambda function is invoked with the input payload.
  3. The Lambda function sends a POST request to a third-party API.
  4. The API server responds with JSON data.
  5. The Lambda function assigns Step Functions variables to store API response values and enters a Choice state that checks the API response code.
  6. If the Choice state condition fails, SNS publishes a failure notification email.
  7. The state machine terminates with an ExecutionFailed status.
  8. If the Choice state condition passes, the processed API response data is written to a DynamoDB table.
  9. SNS publishes a success notification email.
  10. The state machine terminates with an ExecutionSucceeded status.

If an error occurs at any point in execution, SNS publishes a failure notification email and the state machine terminates with an ExecutionFailed status.


In this section, I create and configure my simplified Step Functions variables workflow resources, which are:

  • AWS Lambda function
  • AWS Step Functions Choice state
  • Amazon DynamoDB table
  • Amazon SNS topic

AWS Lambda

This section details how I created an AWS Lambda function to interact with a REST API. The function makes a secure POST request, manages potential errors and parses the response for use in downstream states. Additionally, I will discuss an issue I encountered while attempting to create variables from the function’s output using JSONata.

Lambda Function

First, I need to write a function. It’s nothing special – I have the API link and security key I need, and I just want to retrieve some data. So I decided to give Amazon Q Developer a try!

I used this prompt:

I have an HTTPS hyperlink for a REST API and an API key. I want to send a POST request to the API using the key. I have a USERID parameter that I will pass as JSON.

Please write a Python function for AWS Lambda with error handling. Please use security best practises and Pythonic standards.

Yes I do say Please in my prompts.

Amazon Q produced a decent script with:

  • API endpoint and key stored as environment variables.
  • Use of the requests module with a timeout to prevent indefinite hangs.
  • Error handling for request failures, validation errors, and unexpected issues.
  • A structured JSON response including the status code and parsed response.
import json
import os
import logging
import requests
from typing import Dict, Any
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

def lambda_handler(event: Dict[str, Any], context: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    AWS Lambda function to make POST request to API endpoint
        event: Lambda event object containing request data
        context: Lambda context object
        API response as dictionary
        # Get API endpoint and key from environment variables
        api_endpoint = os.environ['API_ENDPOINT']
        api_key = os.environ['API_KEY']

        # Extract user ID from event
        user_id = event.get('userId')
        if not user_id:
            raise ValueError("userId is required in the request")

        # Set request headers
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'x-api-key': api_key

        # Prepare request payload
        payload = {
            'userId': user_id

        # Make POST request
        response =
            timeout=30  # Set timeout for the request

        # Raise exception for bad status codes

        return {
            'statusCode': response.status_code,
            'body': response.json()

    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        logger.error(f"API request failed: {str(e)}")
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps({'error': 'Failed to make API request'})

    except ValueError as e:
        logger.error(f"Validation error: {str(e)}")
        return {
            'statusCode': 400,
            'body': json.dumps({'error': str(e)})

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}")
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps({'error': 'Internal server error'})

It needed some tweaks for my purposes, but was still faster than typing it all out manually!

Step Functions Config

The Lambda: Invoke action defaults to using the state input as the payload, so "Payload": "{% $states.input %}" is scripted automatically:

    "Lambda Invoke": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
      "Output": "{% $states.result.Payload %}",
      "Arguments": {
        "FunctionName": "[LAMBDA_ARN]:$LATEST",
        "Payload": "{% $states.input %}"
      "Next": "Check API Status Code"

This is going to be helpful in the next section!

Step Functions manages retries and error handling. If my Lambda function fails, it will retry up to three times with exponential backoff before sending a failure notification through SNS:

    "Lambda Invoke": {
      "Retry": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "IntervalSeconds": 1,
          "MaxAttempts": 3,
          "BackoffRate": 2,
          "JitterStrategy": "FULL"
      "Next": "Check API Status Code",
      "Catch": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "Next": "SNS Publish: Fail"

Next, let’s talk about the function’s outputs.

Outputs & JSONata Variables

The Lambda function returns a nested JSON structure. Here’s a redacted example of it:

  "output": {
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST",
    "Payload": {
      "statusCode": 200,
      "body": {
        "make": "FORD",
        "yearOfManufacture": 2014,
        "engineCapacity": 1242,
        "co2Emissions": 120,
        "fuelType": "PETROL",
        "markedForExport": false,
        "colour": "GREY"
    "SdkHttpMetadata": {
      "AllHttpHeaders": {
      "HttpHeaders": {
      "HttpStatusCode": 200
    "SdkResponseMetadata": {
    "StatusCode": 200

I mentioned earlier about Lambda: Invoke‘s default Payload setting. This default creates a {% $states.result.Payload %} JSONata expression output that I can use to assign variables for downstream states.

In this example, {% $states.result.Payload %} returns this:

  "Payload": {
      "statusCode": 200,
      "body": {
        "make": "FORD",
        "yearOfManufacture": 2014,
        "engineCapacity": 1242,
        "co2Emissions": 120,
        "fuelType": "PETROL",
        "markedForExport": false,
        "colour": "GREY"

Let’s make a variable for statusCode. In the response, statusCode is a property of Payload:

  "Payload": {
      "statusCode": 200

In JSONata this is expressed as {% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}. Then I can assign the JSONata expression to a statusCode variable via JSON. In the AWS console, I do this via:

  "statusCode": "{% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}"

And in Step Functions ASL via:

"Assign": {"statusCode": "{% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}"}

I can then call this variable using $statusCode. Here, this will return 200.

Next, let’s make a make variable. This is slightly more involved as make is a property of body, which is itself a property of Payload:

  "Payload": {
      "body": {
        "make": "FORD"

So this time I need:

"make": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.make%}"

"Assign": {"make": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.make%}"}

And now $make will return "FORD".

So let’s do the other values:

"Assign": {
    "statusCode": "{% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}",
    "make": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.make%}",
    "yearOfManufacture": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture) %}",
    "engineCapacity": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.engineCapacity) %}",
    "co2Emissions": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.co2Emissions) %}",
    "fuelType": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.fuelType %}",
    "markedForExport": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.markedForExport%}",
    "colour": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.colour%}"

Note that variables returning numbers from the response body like yearOfManufacture have an additional $string JSONata expression. I’ll explain the reason for this in the DynamoDB section.

Lambda Issues

When I first started using Step Functions variables, I used a different Lambda function for the API call and kept getting this error:

An error occurred.

The JSONata expression '$states.input.body.make' specified for the field 'Assign/make' returned nothing (undefined).

After getting myself confused, I checked the function’s return statement and found this:

return {
    'statusCode': response.status_code,
    'body': response.text

Here, response.text returns the response body as a JSON-formatted string rather than as a nested dictionary:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": "{\"make\":\"FORD\",\"yearOfManufacture\":2014,\"engineCapacity\":1242,\"co2Emissions\":120,\"fuelType\":\"PETROL\",\"markedForExport\":false,\"colour\":\"GREY\"}"

That string isn’t compatible with dot notation. So while $states.input.body will match the whole body, $states.input.body.make can’t match anything because the string can’t be traversed. So nothing is returned, causing the error.

Using response.json() fixes this, as the response is now correctly structured for JSONata expressions:

return {
    'statusCode': response.status_code,
    'body': response.json()

Choice State

The Choice state here is very similar to a previous one. This Choice state checks the Lambda function’s API response and routes accordingly.

Here, the Choice state uses the JSONata expression {% $statusCode = 200 %} to check the $statusCode variable value. By default, it will transition to the SNS Publish: Fail state. However, if $statusCode equals 200, then the Choice state will transition to the DynamoDB PutItem state instead:

    "Check API Status Code": {
      "Type": "Choice",
      "Choices": [
          "Next": "DynamoDB PutItem",
          "Condition": "{% $statusCode = 200 %}"
      "Default": "SNS Publish: Fail"

This step prevents silent failures by ensuring unsuccessful API responses trigger an SNS notification instead of proceeding to DynamoDB. It also helps maintain data integrity by isolating success and failure paths, and ensuring only valid responses are saved in DynamoDB.

So now I’ve captured the data and confirmed its integrity. Next, let’s store it somewhere!

Amazon DynamoDB

It’s time to think about storing the API data. Enter DynamoDB! This section covers creating a table, writing data and integrating DynamoDB with AWS Step Functions and JSONata. I’ll share key lessons learned, especially about handling data types correctly.

Let’s start by creating a table.

Creating A Table

Before inserting data into DynamoDB, I need to create a table. Since DynamoDB is a schemaless database, all that is required to create a new table is a table name and a primary key. Naming the table is straightforward, so let’s focus on the key.

DynamoDB has two types of key:

  • Partition key (required): Part of the table’s primary key. It’s a hash value that is used to retrieve items from the table and allocate data across hosts for scalability and availability.
  • Sort key (optional): The second part of a table’s primary key. The sort key enables sorting or searching among all items sharing the same partition key.

Let’s look at an example using a Login table. In this table, the user ID serves as the partition key, while the login date acts as the sort key. This structure enables efficient lookups and sorting, allowing quick retrieval of a user’s login history while minimizing operational overhead.

To use a physical analogy, consider the DynamoDB table as a filing cabinet, the Partition key as a drawer, and the Sort key as a folder. If I wanted to retrieve User 123‘s logins for 2025, I would:

  • Access the Logins filing cabinet (DynamoDB table).
  • Find User 123’s drawer (Partition Key).
  • Get User 123’s 2025 folder (Sort Key).

DynamoDB provides many features beyond those discussed here. For the latest features, please refer to the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

Writing Data

So now I have a table, how do I put data in it?

DynamoDB offers several ways to write data, and a common one is PutItem. This lets me insert or replace an item in my table. Here’s a basic example of adding a login event to a UserLogins table:

    "TableName": "UserLogins",
    "Item": {
        "UserID": { "S": "123" },
        "LoginDate": { "S": "2025-02-25T12:00:00Z" },
        "Device": { "S": "Laptop" }


  • TableName specifies the name of the DynamoDB table where the item will be stored.
  • Item represents the data being inserted into the table. It contains key-value pairs, where the attributes (e.g. UserID) are mapped to their corresponding data types (e.g. "S") and values (e.g. "123").
  • UserID is an attribute in the item being inserted.
  • "S" is a data type descriptor, ensuring that DynamoDB knows how to store and index it.
  • "123" is the value assigned to the UserID attribute.

While DynamoDB is NoSQL, it still enforces strict data types and naming rules to ensure consistency. These are detailed in the DynamoDB Developer Guide, but here’s a quick rundown of supported data types as of March 2025:

  • S – String
  • N – Number
  • B – Binary
  • BOOL – Boolean
  • NULL – Null
  • M – Map
  • L – List
  • SS – String Set
  • NS – Number Set
  • BS – Binary Set

Step Functions Config

So how do I apply this to Step Functions? Well, remember when I set variables in the output of the Lambda function? Step Functions lets me reference those variables here.

Here’s how I store a make attribute in DynamoDB, using my $make variable in a JSONata expression:

    "TableName": "REDACTED",
    "Item": {
        "make": { "S": "{% $make %}" }

This is equivalent to:

    "TableName": "REDACTED",
    "Item": {
        "make": { "S": "FORD" }

Using JSONata, I can dynamically inject values during execution instead of hardcoding them.

Now let’s add a yearOfManufacture attribute:

    "TableName": "REDACTED",
    "Item": {
        "make": { "S": "{% $make %}" },
        "yearOfManufacture": { "N": "{% $yearOfManufacture %}" }

This pattern continues for my other attributes:

  "TableName": "REDACTED",
  "Item": {
    "make": {
      "S": "{% $make %}"
    "yearOfManufacture": {
      "N": "{% $yearOfManufacture%}"
    "engineCapacity": {
      "N": "{% $engineCapacity %}"
    "co2Emissions": {
      "N": "{% $co2Emissions%}"
    "fuelType": {
      "S": "{% $fuelType %}"
    "markedForExport": {
      "BOOL": "{% $markedForExport %}"
    "colour": {
      "S": "{% $colour %}"

All this is then passed as an Argument to the DynamoDB: PutItem action in the state machine’s ASL:

    "DynamoDB PutItem": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::dynamodb:putItem",
      "Arguments": {
        "TableName": "REDACTED",
        "Item": {
          "make": {
            "S": "{% $make %}"
          "yearOfManufacture": {
            "N": "{% $yearOfManufacture%}"
          "engineCapacity": {
            "N": "{% $engineCapacity %}"
          "co2Emissions": {
            "N": "{% $co2Emissions%}"
          "fuelType": {
            "S": "{% $fuelType %}"
          "markedForExport": {
            "BOOL": "{% $markedForExport %}"
          "colour": {
            "S": "{% $colour %}"

Finally, DynamoDB:PutAction gets the same error handling as Lambda:Invoke.

So I got all this working first time, right? Well…

DynamoDB Issues

During my first attempts, I got this error:

An error occurred while executing the state 'DynamoDB PutItem'.

The Parameters '{"TableName":"REDACTED","Item":{"make":{"S":"FORD"},"yearOfManufacture":{"N":2014}}}' could not be used to start the Task:

[The value for the field 'N' must be a STRING]

Ok. Not the first time I’ve seen data type problems. I’ll just change the yearOfManufacture data type to "S"(string) and try again…

An error occurred while executing the state 'DynamoDB PutItem'.

The Parameters '{"TableName":"REDACTED","Item":{"make":{"S":"FORD"},"yearOfManufacture":{"S":2014}}}' could not be used to start the Task:

[The value for the field 'S' must be a STRING]

DynamoDB rejected both approaches (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The issue wasn’t the data type, but how it was formatted. DynamoDB treats numbers as strings in its JSON-like structure, so even when using numbers they must be wrapped in quotes.

In the case of yearOfManufacture, where I was providing 2014:

"yearOfManufacture": {"N": 2014}

DynamoDB needed "2014":

"yearOfManufacture": {"N": "2014"}

Thankfully, JSONata came to the rescue again! Remember the $string function from the Lambda section? Well, $string casts the given argument to a string!

So this:

"yearOfManufacture": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture %}"

> 2014

Becomes this:

"yearOfManufacture": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture) %}"

> "2014"

This solved the problem with no Lambda function changes or additional states!

Amazon SNS

After successfully writing data to DynamoDB, I want to include a confirmation step by sending a notification through Amazon SNS.

While this approach is not recommended for high-volume use cases because of potential costs and notification fatigue, it can be helpful for testing, monitoring, and debugging. Additionally, it offers an opportunity to reuse variables from previous states and dynamically format a message using JSONata.

The goal is to send an email notification like this:

A 2014 GREY FORD has been added to DynamoDB on (current date and time)

To do this, I’ll use:

  • $yearOfManufacture for the vehicle’s year (2014)
  • $colour for the vehicle’s colour (GREY)
  • $make for the manufacturer (FORD)

Plus the JSONata $now() function for the current date and time. This generates a UTC timestamp in ISO 8601-compatible format and returns it as a string. E.g. "2025-02-25T19:12:59.152Z"

So the code will look something like:

A $yearOfManufacture $colour $make has been added to DynamoDB on $now()

Which translates to this JSONata expression:

{% 'A ' & $yearOfManufacture & ' ' & $colour & ' ' & $make & ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' & $now() %}

Let’s analyse each part of the JSONata expression to understand how it builds the final message:


  'A '
  ' ' 
  ' ' 
  ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' 

Each part of this expression plays a specific role:

  • ‘A ‘ | ‘ has been added to DynamoDB on ‘: Static strings & spaces.
  • $yearOfManufacture | $colour | $make: Dynamic values.
  • $now(): JSONata function.
  • ‘ ‘: Static spaces to separate JSONata variable outputs.

The static spaces are important! Without them, I’d get this:


Instead of the expected:


This JSONata expression is passed as the Message argument in the SNS:Publish action, ensuring the notification contains the correctly formatted message:

"Message": "{% 'A ' & $yearOfManufacture & ' ' & $colour & ' ' & $make & ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' & $now() %}"

Finally, to integrate this with Step Functions it is included in the SNS Publish: Success task ASL:

"SNS Publish: Success": {
    "Type": "Task",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sns:publish",
    "Arguments": {
      "Message": "{% 'A ' & $yearOfManufacture & ' ' & $colour & ' ' & $make & ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' & $now() %}",
      "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:REDACTED:success-stepfunction"

Final Workflow

Finally, let’s see what the workflows look like. Here’s the workflow graph:

stepfunctions graph

And here’s the workflow ASL on GitHub.


In this section, I run some test executions against my simplified Step Functions workflow and check the variables. I’ll test four requests – two valid and two invalid.

Valid Request: Ford

Firstly, what happens when a valid API request is made and everything works as expected?

The Step Functions execution succeeds:

stepfunctions graph testsuccess

Each state completes successfully:

2025 02 26 StateViewSuccess

My DynamoDB table now contains one item:

2025 02 26 DyDBTable1

I receive a confirmation email from SNS:

2025 02 26 SNSSuccessFord

If I send the same request again, the existing DynamoDB item is overwritten because the primary key remains the same.

Valid Request: Audi

Next, what happens if I make a valid request for a different car? The steps repeat as above, and my DynamoDB table now has two items:

2025 02 26 DyDBTable2

And I get a different email:

2025 02 26 SNSSuccessAudi

Invalid Request

Next, what happens if the car in my request doesn’t exist? Well, it does fail, but in an unexpected way:

stepfunctions graphfail

The API returns an error response:

"Payload": {
      "statusCode": 500,
      "body": "{\"error\": \"API request failed: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url"}"

I’d expected the response to be passed to the Choice state, which would then notice the 500 status code and start the Fail process. But this happened instead:

2025 02 26 StateViewFail

The failure occurs at the assignment of the Lambda action variable! It attempts to assign a yearOfManufacture value from the API response body to a variable, but since there is no response body the assignment fails:

  "cause": "An error occurred while executing the state 'Lambda Invoke' (entered at the event id #2). The JSONata expression '$states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture ' specified for the field 'Assign/yearOfManufacture ' returned nothing (undefined).",
  "error": "States.QueryEvaluationError",
  "location": "Assign/registrationNumber",
  "state": "Lambda Invoke"

I also get an email, but this one is less fancy as it just dumps the whole output:

2025 02 26 SNSFail

So I still get my Fail outcome – just not in the expected way. Despite this, the Choice state remains valuable for preventing invalid data from entering DynamoDB.

No Request

Finally, what happens if no data is passed to the state machine at all?

Actually, this situation is very similar to the invalid request! There’s a different error message in the log:

"Payload": {
      "statusCode": 400,
      "body": "{\"error\": \"Registration number not provided\"}"

But otherwise it’s the same events and outcome. The Lambda variable assignment fails, triggering an SNS email and an ExecutionFailed result.

Cost Analysis

This section examines the costs of my simplified Step Functions variables workflow. This section is brief since all services used in this workflow fall within the AWS Free Tier! For transparency, I’ll include my billing metrics for the month. These are account-wide, and I’m still nowhere near paying AWS anything!


$0.1415 per million read request units (EU (Ireland))30.5 ReadRequestUnits
$0.705 per million write request units (EU (Ireland))13 WriteRequestUnits


AWS Lambda – Compute Free Tier – 400,000 GB-Seconds – EU (Ireland)76.219 Second
AWS Lambda – Requests Free Tier – 1,000,000 Requests – EU (Ireland)110 Request


First 1,000 Amazon SNS Email/Email-JSON Notifications per month are free19 Notifications
First 1,000,000 Amazon SNS API Requests per month are free289 Requests

Step Functions:

$0 for first 4,000 state transitions431 StateTransitions

This experiment demonstrates how cost-effective Step Functions can be. As long as my usage remains within the Free Tier, I pay nothing! If my workflow grows, I’ll monitor costs and optimise accordingly.


In this post, I used AWS Step Functions variables and JSONata to create a simplified API data capture workflow with Lambda and DynamoDB.

With a background in SQL and Python, I’m no stranger to variables, and I love that they’re now a native part of Step Functions. AWS keeps enhancing Step Functions every few months, making it more powerful and versatile. The introduction of variables unlocks new possibilities for data manipulation, serverless applications and event-driven workflows, and I’m excited to explore them further in the coming months!

For a visual walkthrough of Step Functions variables and JSONata, check out this Serverless Office Hours episode with AWS Principal Developer Advocates Eric Johnson and Julian Wood:

If this post has been useful then the button below has links for contact, socials, projects and sessions:

SharkLinkButton 1

Thanks for reading ~~^~~

Developing & Application Integration

Low-Code S3 Key Validation With AWS Step Functions & JSONata

In this post, I use JSONata to add low-code S3 object key validation to an AWS Step Functions state machine.

Table of Contents


In 2024, I worked a lot with AWS Step Functions. I built several for different tasks, wrote multiple blog posts about them and talked about them a fair bit. So when AWS introduced JSONata support for Step Functions last year, I was very interested. Although I had no prior JSONata experience, I heard positive feedback and made a mental note to explore its use cases.

Well, there’s no time like the present! And as I was starting to create the first Project Wolfie resources I realised some of my requirements were a perfect fit.

Firstly, I will examine what JSONata is, how it works and why it’s useful. Next, I will outline my architecture and create some low-code S3 key validation JSONata expressions. Finally, I’ll test these expressions and review their outputs.


This section introduces JSONata and examines its syntax and benefits.

Introducing JSONata

JSONata is a lightweight query and transformation language for JSON, developed by Andrew Coleman in 2016. Specifically inspired by XPath and SQL, it enables sophisticated queries using a compact and intuitive notation.

JSONata provides built-in operators and functions for efficiently extracting and transforming data into any JSON structure. It also supports user-defined functions, allowing for advanced expressions that enhance the querying of dynamic JSON data.

For a visual introduction, check out this JSONata overview:

JSONata Syntax Essentials

JSONata has a simple and expressive syntax. Its path-based approach lets developers easily navigate nested structures. It combines functional programming with dot notation for navigation, brackets for filtering and pipeline operators for chaining.

JSONata operations include transformations like:

  • Arithmetic ($price * 1.2)
  • Conditional Logic ($price > 100 ? 'expensive' : 'affordable').
  • Filtering ($orders[status = 'shipped'])
  • String Operations ($firstName & ' ' & $lastName)

The JSONata site includes full documentation and a JSONata Exerciser for experimenting.

JSONata In AWS Step Functions

JSONata was introduced to AWS Step Functions in November 2024. Using JSONata in Step Functions requires setting the QueryLanguage field to JSONata in the state machine definition. This action replaces the traditional JSONPath fields with two JSONata fields:

  • Arguments: Used to customise data sent to state actions.
  • Output: Used to transform results into custom state output.

Additionally, the Assign field sets variables that can be stored and reused across the workflow.

In AWS Step Functions, JSONata expressions are enclosed in {% %} delimiters but otherwise follow standard JSONata syntax. They access data using the $states reserved variable with the following structures:

  • State input is accessed using $states.input
  • Context information is accessed using $states.context
  • Task results (if successful) are accessed using $states.result
  • Error outputs (if existing) are accessed using $states.errorOutput

Step Functions includes standard JSONata functions as well as AWS-specific additions like $partition, $range, $hash, $random, and $uuid. Some functions, such as $eval, are not supported.

Here are some JSONata examples from the AWS Step Functions Developer Guide:

{% $states.input.title %}

{% $current_price <= $states.input.desired_priced %}

{% $parse($states.input.json_string) %}

Talking more about this subject is AWS Principle Developer Advocate Eric Johnson:

JSONata Benefits

So why is JSONata in AWS a big deal?

Low Maintenance: JSONata use removes the need for Lambda runtime updates, dependency management and security patching. JSONata expressions are self-contained and version-free, reducing debugging and testing effort.

Simpler Development Workflow: JSONata’s standardised syntax removes decisions about languages, runtimes and tooling. This improves consistency, simplifies collaboration and speeds up development.

Releases Capacity: JSONata use reduces reliance on AWS Lambda, freeing up Lambda concurrency slots for more complex tasks. This minimises throttling risks and can lower Lambda costs.

Faster Execution: JSONata runs inside AWS services, avoiding cold starts, IAM role checks and network latency. Most JSONata transformations are complete in milliseconds, making it ideal for high-throughput APIs and real-time systems.


This section explains the key features and events used in my low-code S3 validation architecture with JSONata.

Object Created Event

My process starts when an S3 object is created. For this post, I’m using Amazon EventBridge‘s sample S3 Object Created event:

  "version": "0",
  "id": "17793124-05d4-b198-2fde-7ededc63b103",
  "detail-type": "Object Created",
  "source": "aws.s3",
  "account": "123456789012",
  "time": "2021-11-12T00:00:00Z",
  "region": "ca-central-1",
  "resources": ["arn:aws:s3:::example-bucket"],
  "detail": {
    "version": "0",
    "bucket": {
      "name": "example-bucket"
    "object": {
      "key": "example-key",
      "size": 5,
      "etag": "b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184",
      "version-id": "IYV3p45BT0ac8hjHg1houSdS1a.Mro8e",
      "sequencer": "00617F08299329D189"
    "request-id": "N4N7GDK58NMKJ12R",
    "requester": "123456789012",
    "source-ip-address": "",
    "reason": "PutObject"

Here, the highlighted key field is vital as it identifies the uploaded object. This field will be used in the validation processes.

Choice State

In AWS Step Functions, Choice states introduce conditional logic to a state machine. They assess conditions and guide execution accordingly, allowing workflows to branch dynamically based on input data. When used with JSONata, a Choice state must contain the following fields:

  • Condition field – a JSONata expression that evaluates to true/false.
  • Next field – a value that must match a state name in the state machine.

For example, this Choice state checks if a variable foo equals 1:

{"Condition": "{% $foo = 1 %}",  "Next": "NumericMatchState"}

If $foo = 1, the condition is true and the workflow transitions to a NumericMatchState state.

Architecture Diagram

Now let’s put this all together into an architecture diagram:


  1. A file is uploaded to an Amazon S3 Bucket.
  2. S3 creates an Object Created event.
  3. Amazon EventBridge matches the event record to an event rule.
  4. Eventbridge executes the AWS Step Functions state machine and passes the event to it as JSON input.
  5. The state machine transitions through the various choice states.
  6. The state machine transitions to the fail state if any choice state criteria are not met.
  7. The state machine transitions to the success state if all choice state criteria are met.

Expression Creation

In this section, I create JSONata expressions to perform low-code S3 validation. For clarity, I’ll use this sample S3 event including an object key which closely resembles my actual S3 path:

  "version": "0",
  "detail": {
    "version": "0",
    "bucket": {
      "name": "data-lakehouse-raw"
    "object": {
      "key": "iTunes/iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt",
      "size": 5,
    "request-id": "N4N7GDK58NMKJ12R",
    "requester": "123456789012",
    "source-ip-address": "",
    "reason": "PutObject"

S3 Key TXT Suffix Check

This JSONata expression checks if the S3 object key ends with txt:

{% $lowercase($split($split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], '.')[-1]) = 'txt' %}

For better readability:

      $split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], 
  ) = 'txt' 

Let’s walk through this step by step:

1. Accessing The S3 Object Key

Extract the key from the event using $states.input:


Output: "iTunes/iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt"

2. Splitting By / To Extract The Filename

Break the key into an array with %split using / as the delimiter:

$split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')

Output: ["iTunes", "iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt"]

Now, retrieve the array’s last element (the object name) using [-1]:


Output: "iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt"

3. Splitting By . To Extract The File Suffix

Break the filename with $split again, using . as the delimiter:

$split($split(...)[-1], '.')

Output: ["iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01", "txt"]

Now, retrieve the last element (the suffix) using [-1]:

$split($split(...)[-1], '.')[-1]

Output: "txt"

4. Converting To Lowercase For Case-Insensitive Matching

Use $lowercase to convert the suffix to lowercase:

$lowercase($split(...)[-1], '.')[-1])

Output: "txt"

The $lowercase function ensures consistency, as files with TXT, Txt, or tXt extensions will still match correctly. Here, there is no change as txt is already lowercase.

5. Comparing Against 'txt'

Finally, compare the result to 'txt':

$lowercase($split(...)[-1], '.')[-1]) = 'txt'

Output: true

This means that files ending in .txt pass validation, while others fail.

S3 Key iTunes String Check

This JSONata expression checks if the S3 object key contains iTunes.

{% $contains($split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], 'iTunes') %}

For better readability:

      $states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1],

I’m not using $lowercase this time, as iTunes is the correct spelling.

1. Extract The Filename

This is unchanged from the last expression:

$split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1]

Output: "iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt"

2. Check If The String Contains 'iTunes'

The $contains function checks if the string contains the specified substring. It returns true if the substring exists; otherwise, it returns false.

$contains($split(...)[-1], 'iTunes')

Output: true ✅ if 'iTunes' appears anywhere in the filename.


  • "iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt"true
  • "itunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt"false (case-sensitive)

S3 Key Date Check

This JSONata expression checks if the S3 object key contains a date with format YYYY-MM-DD.

{% $exists($match($split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)) %}

For better readability:

    $split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], 

1. Extract The Filename

This is unchanged from the first expression:

$split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1]

Output: "iTunes-AllTunes-2025-02-01.txt"

2. Apply The Regex Match

The $match function applies the substring to the provided regular expression (regex). If found, an array of objects is returned containing the following fields:

  • match – the substring that was matched by the regex.
  • index – the offset (starting at zero) within the substring.
  • groups – if the regex contains capturing groups (parentheses), this contains an array of strings representing each captured group.

In this JSONata expression:

$match(..., /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)

The regex looks for:

  • \d{4} → Four digits (year)
  • - → Hyphen separator
  • \d{2} → Two digits (month)
  • - → Another hyphen
  • \d{2} → Two digits (day)


  "match": "2025-02-01",
  "index": 16,
  "groups": []

3. Convert To Boolean With $exists

I can’t use the $match output yet as the Choice state needs a boolean output. Enter $exists. This function returns true for a successful match; otherwise, it returns false.

$exists($match(..., /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/))

Output: true ✅ if a date is found.

Here, $exists returns true as a date is present. However, note that JSONata lacks built-in functions to validate dates. For example:

  • "2025-02-01"true (valid date)
  • "2025-02-31"true (invalid date but still matches format)

An AWS Lambda function would be needed for strict date validation.

Combining JSONata Expressions

Although I’ve created separate Choice states for each JSONata expression in this section, I will add that all the expressions can be combined into a single Choice state using and:

{% $lowercase($split($split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], '.')[-1]) = 'txt' and $contains($split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], 'iTunes') and $exists($match($split($states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], /\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}/)) %}

For better readability:

        $states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], '.')[-1]) = 'txt' 
      $states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], 'iTunes') 
        $states.input.detail.object.key, '/')[-1], /\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}/)) 

When deciding whether to do this, consider these benefits:

  • Simplified Structure: Reducing the number of states can make the state machine easier to understand and maintain visually. Instead of multiple branching paths, all logic is in one centralised Choice state.
  • Cost Optimisation: AWS Step Functions Standard Workflows pricing is based on the number of state transitions. Combining multiple Choice states into one reduces transitions, potentially lowering costs for high-volume workflows.
  • Minimises Transition Latency: Each state transition adds a slight delay. By managing all logic within a single Choice state, the workflow runs more efficiently due to the reduced transitions.

Against these tradeoffs:

  • Added Complexity: A complex Choice state with many conditions can be difficult to read, debug, and modify. It may require deeply nested logic, which makes future updates challenging.
  • Limited Observability: If multiple conditions are combined into one state, debugging failures becomes more difficult as it is unclear which condition caused an unexpected transition.
  • Potential Scaling Difficulty: As the workflow evolves, adding more conditions to a single Choice state can become unmanageable. Ultimately, this situation may require breaking it up.

Final Workflows

Finally, let’s see what the workflows look like. Firstly, this workflow has separate Choice states for each JSONata expression:

stepfunctions graph Data Ingestion iTunes

Data-Ingestion-iTunes ASL on GitHub.

Next, this workflow has one Choice state for all JSONata expressions:

stepfunctions graph Data Ingestion iTunes all

Data-Ingestion-iTunes-All ASL on GitHub.


To ensure my low-code JSONata expressions work as expected, I ran several tests against different S3 object keys. These tests validate:

  • File Suffix (.txt)
  • Key Content (iTunes)
  • Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD)

Suffix Validation Tests

Test CaseS3 KeyExpectedActual
Valid Suffix (.txt)"iTunes/iTunes-2025-02-01.txt"Proceed to iTunes Check✅ Success → Next: iTunes String Check
Invalid Suffix (.csv)"iTunes/iTunes-2025-02-01.csv"Fail (No further checks)❌ Failure → No further checks
Missing Suffix"iTunes/iTunes-2025-02-01"Fail (No further checks)❌ Failure → No further checks

Key Content Validation Tests

Test CaseS3 KeyExpectedActual
Valid “iTunes” Key"iTunes/iTunes-2025-02-01.txt"Proceed to Date Check✅ Success → Next: Date Check
Incorrect Case (itunes instead of iTunes)"iTunes/itunes-2025-02-01.txt"Fail (No further checks)❌ Failure → No further checks
Missing Key String""Fail (No further checks)❌ Failure → No further checks

Date Format Validation Tests

Test CaseS3 KeyExpectedActual
Correct Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD)"iTunes/iTunes-2025-02-01.txt"Success (Validation complete)✅ Success → Validation complete!
Incorrect Date Format (Missing Day)"iTunes/iTunes-2025-02.txt"Fail (No further checks)❌ Failure → No further checks
Missing Date"iTunes/iTunes.txt"Fail (No further checks)❌ Failure → No further checks

Edge Case: Impossible Date

Test CaseS3 KeyExpectedActual
⚠️ Impossible Date (2025-02-31)"iTunes/iTunes-2025-02-31.txt"Fail (Ideally)Unexpected Success (JSONata does not validate real-world dates)

These tests confirm that JSONata expressions can effectively validate S3 object keys based on file suffixes, key contents and date formats. However, while JSONata can check formatting (YYYY-MM-DD) it does not validate real-world dates. If strict date validation is needed then an AWS Lambda function would be required.


In this post, I used JSONata to add low-code S3 object key validation to an AWS Step Functions state machine. This approach simplifies the validation process and reduces the reliance on more complex Lambda functions.

My first impressions of JSONata are very good! It’s already reduced both the number and size of Project Wolfie’s Lambda functions, and there’s still lots of JSONata to explore. In the meantime, these further videos by Eric Johnson explore more advanced JSONata Step Function applications:

If this post has been useful then the button below has links for contact, socials, projects and sessions:

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Thanks for reading ~~^~~


YearCompass 2024-2025

In this post, I use the free YearCompass booklet to reflect on 2024 and to plan some professional goals for 2025.

Table of Contents


It’s time for the customary retrospective post! Previously, I’ve written these in December. From now on, I’ll post them on amazonwebshark’s birthday in January because:

  • It gives me more time to consider my goals.
  • If I’m going to write about a year, it makes more sense to write after the year is over.
  • In previous years, I’ve felt personal pressure to produce both a December YearCompass post and a January birthday post. My YearCompass post can cover both of these instead.

Firstly, I’ll examine YearCompass itself. Next, I’ll discuss how 2024 went. Finally, I’ll examine my 2025 YearCompass goals.

About YearCompass

From the YearCompass site:

YearCompass is a free booklet that helps you reflect on the year and plan the next one. With a set of carefully selected questions and exercises, YearCompass helps you uncover your own patterns and design the ideal year for yourself.

YearCompass offers a free alternative to New Year’s Resolutions. Available as A4 and A5 PDFs in several languages, the booklet can be completed digitally or by hand.

YearCompass PDFs contain two sections: reflecting on the past year and planning for the next. Each section features prompts to help users assess priorities and prepare for the future.

There are no rigid guidelines for completing YearCompass. Although the book recommends taking breaks between sections, many people choose to complete it in one go. I often focus on specific sections rather than the entire document, as I usually have what I need by a certain point.

2024 Retrospective

In this section, I reflect on my 2024 goals and evaluate my progress with them.

Build Technology Projects

As a cloud enthusiast, I want to complete valuable project builds so that I can develop and validate my knowledge and skills, and have subject matter for future session abstracts.

Exiting 2023, I felt I had done much theory but little practice. I had completed online learning, attended events and recertified my AWS SysOps Administrator certification, yet I still felt lacking in hands-on experience.

Well no more! Throughout 2024, I worked on my WordPress AWS Data Pipeline series, which greatly enhanced my understanding of several AWS services and cloud architectures. Also, I explored the AWS CloudFormation IaC Generator and DuckDB-WASM in February and June respectively.

Separately, in July, I joined Steamhaus as an AWS Consultant, where I build, scale, and optimise cloud solutions for clients. This role involves unique projects spanning diverse organisations, requiring creative problem-solving and offering many opportunities to learn and grow. And 2025 is already shaping up to be an interesting year!

Additionally, I earned the AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate certification in August, validating my skills in areas including ETL, orchestration, model design and quality assurance.

Learnings from this certification have already found their way into my blog posts, sessions and client projects.

And speaking of sessions…

Build My Personal Brand

As an IT professional I want to build my personal brand so that I improve my soft skills and define my public image.

And to think that, at the start of 2024, I had no idea how this was going to go…

Having done my first session at 2023’s New Stars Of Data online event, 2024 was the first year I stepped onto an actual stage! After presenting my Building And Automating Serverless Auto-Scaling Data Pipelines In AWS session at AWS Community Summit London in April, I went on to present it at several user groupsa paid event and even internationally!

PXL 20240424 1606465872

This year, I also launched a YouTube channel, primarily intended to practise and enhance my speaking skills. Although the channel has been somewhat dormant, I’ve been kinda busy!

Recently, I began a series of shorts to boost my spontaneous speaking ability. It appears to be working for me, and there’s still plenty to film!

Finally, in September I met Cat Mawdsley and Dan Knowles at Northern Reach for the first time. Northern Reach focuses on providing technology and innovation-driven business engagement initiatives for partners in both the public and private sectors across Northern England.

I was born and raised in Lancashire, and quickly discovered their ambitious plans for the region. We got chatting, one thing led to another and, well, I’ll have some exciting news to share soon about something I’m part of!

Build A Second Brain

As just a normal man I want to build a second brain so that I can organise my resources and work more efficiently.

So this is the goal with the least progress, but only because the first two goals blew up beyond anything I could have envisaged! Having read Building A Second Brain in January, I started putting some of the ideas into practice.

Firstly, I’m a big fan of the CODE information consumption method:

  • Capture
  • Organise
  • Distill
  • Express

In some ways I was already doing this, but lacked a framework or set of steps to follow. I now use CODE in several areas of my life, and while it’s not yet fully embedded everywhere it is starting to make a difference.

However, I’m no fan of the PARA organisational system:

  • Project
  • Area
  • Resource
  • Archive

Tiago Forte and I define Project very differently, and I dislike using Archive to describe anything. Archive always feels like a nondescript collection of stuff, which is what a Second Brain should not be. Even Tiago defines Archive as:

Anything from the previous three categories that is no longer active, but you might want to save for future reference.

Nah. Not for me.

Ultimately, my Second Brain isn’t where I want it to be right now. But to be fair, a second brain is never really finished as it constantly grows and evolves like a human brain. In 2025, I’ll be examining some Second Brain-related AI and SaaS tools and might make some related content if I think it’ll be helpful.

2025 Goals

In this section, I use YearCompass to decide on my 2025 professional goals. For each goal, I’ll explain my reasoning and then write a user story.

Community Investment

I am deeply grateful for the tech communities that supported me throughout 2024. They offered me opportunities to learn, grow and connect with like-minded peers who share my passion for technology. I was invited to speak at several local and international events, and I strongly believe that my journey to Steamhaus began at AWS community events.

IMG 3907

In 2025, I plan to build on these experiences by continuing to contribute through speaking engagements, writing, and social support, as well as giving operational user group support. In this way, I hope to strengthen and grow the communities that played such an integral role in my 2024 successes.

On a personal note, I look forward to continuing the growth journey that the communities have nurtured. This includes enhancing my confidence, refining interpersonal skills, strengthening relationships and expanding my experiences. Just like any solid investment – everyone benefits.

As an active tech community member, I want to support and grow these communities through content, involvement and participation so that both the communities and I thrive.

That said…

Gestalt Cycles

I did a lot in 2024, and looking back I didn’t allow much downtime. Feelings of ‘I should be doing something’ constantly ran into evenings, weekends, and annual leave, and I increasingly noticed disrupted sleep, diminished health and fitness and heightened anxiety as a result.

I’ve burned myself out before so I recognise the signs. And as keen as I am to continue on this unexpected, wild and incredible journey I’m currently on, I also don’t want to end up utterly cooked.

Turning this into a goal was hard as nothing really fit. The closest match I’ve found so far is Gestalt Cycles. This describes the natural rhythm of completing an experience, from identifying a need to achieving closure.

Each cycle involves several stages:

The idea focuses on completing each stage fully to maintain balance and well-being, avoiding lingering stress while creating space for rest and renewal. This aligns closely with what I need. My challenge hasn’t been starting or finishing tasks – it’s been allowing enough recovery time between them.

This aligns with Animas Coaching‘s Withdrawal stage definition:

Finally, after the satisfaction of the need or desire, individuals withdraw, returning to a state of relative equilibrium. This stage offers an opportunity for rest and reflection before the cycle recommences with a new sensation.

And with Shea Stevens‘ comments based on the works of Rosemarie Wulf et al:

…the goal is to find relief and meet needs in a way that they are assimilated, such that the organism is truly integrating what it takes in, and what is taken in is a good fit for the organism.

I have 2025 ambitions around fitness, home improvements and landscaping. To enable these, I’ll need to ease off the accelerator occasionally. So with all this in mind:

As an individual with multiple workstreams, I want to apply Gestalt cycles to recognize when a task is complete and take intentional breaks, so that I can improve my wellbeing and maintain consistent energy and focus.

Be The Change

Definitely the most LinkedIn-sounding of the three. But hear me out. This goal stems from Mahatma Gandhi’s quote:

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi…erm…

Expect that’s not what he said. But I digress.

“Be the change” is about taking personal responsibility to embody the values and actions you want to inspire in others. It emphasises proactivity and self-empowerment over simply waiting for change to happen.

Throughout my career, I’ve had ideas I wanted to share and a strong desire to contribute. However, I have constantly struggled with self-confidence, self-doubt and articulating my thoughts.

This changed in 2024. Through my professional role, speaking engagements and involvement in the AWS community, I gained the confidence and ability to express and implement my insights and ideas. This let me enhance my skills and uncover new opportunities, leading to beneficial outcomes for myself, my colleagues and clients and the wider tech community.


In 2025, I’m committed to embracing this newfound confidence to present and support ideas and changes that matter to me. By doing so, I hope to build stronger relationships, deliver impactful projects and advance initiatives that reflect my values and passions.

As a hard working dog dad, I want to confidently embrace and act on my ideas and opinions so that I can make meaningful contributions and changes to myself, my peers and clients and the wider tech community.


In this post, I used the free YearCompass booklet to reflect on 2024 and to plan some professional goals for 2025.

Reflecting on 2024 has highlighted key lessons and opportunities for growth, helping me shape an exciting vision for 2025. I’m eager to see where the new year leads and to share progress along the way! I’ll post updates here and via my social, project and session links, which are available via the button below:

SharkLinkButton 1

Thanks for reading ~~^~~