Developing & Application Integration

Simplified Data Workflows With AWS Step Functions Variables

In this post, I use AWS Step Functions variables and JSONata to create a simplified API data capture workflow with Lambda and DynamoDB.

Table of Contents


I’ve become an AWS Step Functions convert in recent times. Back in 2020 when I first studied it for some AWS certifications, Step Functions defined workflows entirely in JSON, making it less approachable and often overlooked.

How times change! With 2021’s inclusion of a visual editor, Step Functions became far more accessible, helping it become a key tool in serverless application design. And in 2024 two major updates significantly enhanced Step Functions’ flexibility: JSONata support, which I recently explored, and built-in variables, which simplify state transitions and data management. This post focuses on the latter.

To demonstrate the power of Step Functions variables, I’ll walk through a practical example: fetching API data, verifying the response, and inserting it into DynamoDB. Firstly, I’ll examine the services and features I’ll use. Then I’ll create a state machine and examine each state’s use of variables. Finally, I’ll complete some test executions to ensure everything works as expected.

If a ‘simplified’ workflow seems hard to justify as a 20-minute read…that’s fair. But mastering Step Functions variables now can save hours of debugging and development in the long run! – Ed

Also, special thanks to AWS Community Builder Md. Mostafa Al Mahmud for generously providing AWS credits to support this and future posts!


This section provides a top-level view of the architecture behind my simplified Step Functions variables workflow, highlighting the main AWS services involved in getting and processing API data. I’ll briefly cover the data being used, the role of Step Functions variables and the integration of DynamoDB within the workflow.

API Data

The data comes from a RESTful API that provides UK car details. The API needs both an authentication key and query parameters. Response data is provided in JSON.

The data used in this post is about my car. As some of it is sensitive, I will only use data that is already publicly available:

    "make": "FORD",
    "yearOfManufacture": 2014,
    "engineCapacity": 1242,
    "co2Emissions": 120,
    "fuelType": "PETROL",
    "markedForExport": false,
    "colour": "GREY",

There are several data types here. This will be important when writing to DynamoDB!

AWS Step Functions Variables

In my last post, I talked about JSONata in AWS Step Functions. This time let’s talk about Step Functions variables, which were introduced alongside JSONata in November 2024.

Step Functions variables offer a simple way to store and reuse data within a state machine, enabling dynamic workflows without complex transformations. They work well with both JSONata and JSONPath and are available at no extra cost in all AWS regions that support Step Functions.

Variables are set using Assign. They can be assigned static values for fixed values:

"Assign": {
    "productName": "product1",
    "count" : 42,
    "available" : true

As well as dynamic values for changing values. To dynamically set variables, Step Functions uses JSONata expressions within {% ... %}. The following example extracts productName and available from the state input using the JSONata $states reserved variable:

"Assign": {
    "product": "{% $states.input.productName %}",
    "available": "{% $states.input.available %}"

Variables are then referenced using dollar signs ($), e.g. $productName.

There’s tonnes more to this. For details on name syntax, ASL integration and creating JSONPath variables, check the Step Functions Developer Guide variables section. Additionally, watch AWS Principal Developer Advocate Eric Johnson‘s related video:

With Step Functions variables handling data transformation and persistence, the next step is storing processed data efficiently. This is where Amazon DynamoDB comes in.

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database built for high performance and seamless scalability. Its flexible, schema-less design makes it perfect for storing and retrieving JSON-like data with minimal overhead.

DynamoDB can automatically scale to manage millions of requests per second while maintaining low latency. It integrates seamlessly with AWS services like Lambda and API Gateway, providing built-in security, automated backups, and global replication to ensure reliability at any scale.

Popular use cases include:

  • Serverless backends (paired with AWS Lambda/API Gateway) for API-driven apps.
  • Real-time workloads like user sessions, shopping carts, or live leaderboards.
  • High-velocity data streams from IoT devices or clickstream analytics.


Finally, here is an architectural diagram of my simplified Step Functions variables workflow:

AWS Step Functions workflow
AWS Cloud
Amazon SNS
Failure Topic
Amazon SNS
Failure Topic
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon SNS
Success Topic
Choice State
AWS Lambda
Third Party
API Server

In which:

  1. The user triggers an AWS Step Functions state machine with a JSON key-value pair as input.
  2. A Lambda function is invoked with the input payload.
  3. The Lambda function sends a POST request to a third-party API.
  4. The API server responds with JSON data.
  5. The Lambda function assigns Step Functions variables to store API response values and enters a Choice state that checks the API response code.
  6. If the Choice state condition fails, SNS publishes a failure notification email.
  7. The state machine terminates with an ExecutionFailed status.
  8. If the Choice state condition passes, the processed API response data is written to a DynamoDB table.
  9. SNS publishes a success notification email.
  10. The state machine terminates with an ExecutionSucceeded status.

If an error occurs at any point in execution, SNS publishes a failure notification email and the state machine terminates with an ExecutionFailed status.


In this section, I create and configure my simplified Step Functions variables workflow resources, which are:

  • AWS Lambda function
  • AWS Step Functions Choice state
  • Amazon DynamoDB table
  • Amazon SNS topic

AWS Lambda

This section details how I created an AWS Lambda function to interact with a REST API. The function makes a secure POST request, manages potential errors and parses the response for use in downstream states. Additionally, I will discuss an issue I encountered while attempting to create variables from the function’s output using JSONata.

Lambda Function

First, I need to write a function. It’s nothing special – I have the API link and security key I need, and I just want to retrieve some data. So I decided to give Amazon Q Developer a try!

I used this prompt:

I have an HTTPS hyperlink for a REST API and an API key. I want to send a POST request to the API using the key. I have a USERID parameter that I will pass as JSON.

Please write a Python function for AWS Lambda with error handling. Please use security best practises and Pythonic standards.

Yes I do say Please in my prompts.

Amazon Q produced a decent script with:

  • API endpoint and key stored as environment variables.
  • Use of the requests module with a timeout to prevent indefinite hangs.
  • Error handling for request failures, validation errors, and unexpected issues.
  • A structured JSON response including the status code and parsed response.
import json
import os
import logging
import requests
from typing import Dict, Any
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

def lambda_handler(event: Dict[str, Any], context: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    AWS Lambda function to make POST request to API endpoint
        event: Lambda event object containing request data
        context: Lambda context object
        API response as dictionary
        # Get API endpoint and key from environment variables
        api_endpoint = os.environ['API_ENDPOINT']
        api_key = os.environ['API_KEY']

        # Extract user ID from event
        user_id = event.get('userId')
        if not user_id:
            raise ValueError("userId is required in the request")

        # Set request headers
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'x-api-key': api_key

        # Prepare request payload
        payload = {
            'userId': user_id

        # Make POST request
        response =
            timeout=30  # Set timeout for the request

        # Raise exception for bad status codes

        return {
            'statusCode': response.status_code,
            'body': response.json()

    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        logger.error(f"API request failed: {str(e)}")
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps({'error': 'Failed to make API request'})

    except ValueError as e:
        logger.error(f"Validation error: {str(e)}")
        return {
            'statusCode': 400,
            'body': json.dumps({'error': str(e)})

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}")
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps({'error': 'Internal server error'})

It needed some tweaks for my purposes, but was still faster than typing it all out manually!

Step Functions Config

The Lambda: Invoke action defaults to using the state input as the payload, so "Payload": "{% $states.input %}" is scripted automatically:

    "Lambda Invoke": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
      "Output": "{% $states.result.Payload %}",
      "Arguments": {
        "FunctionName": "[LAMBDA_ARN]:$LATEST",
        "Payload": "{% $states.input %}"
      "Next": "Check API Status Code"

This is going to be helpful in the next section!

Step Functions manages retries and error handling. If my Lambda function fails, it will retry up to three times with exponential backoff before sending a failure notification through SNS:

    "Lambda Invoke": {
      "Retry": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "IntervalSeconds": 1,
          "MaxAttempts": 3,
          "BackoffRate": 2,
          "JitterStrategy": "FULL"
      "Next": "Check API Status Code",
      "Catch": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "Next": "SNS Publish: Fail"

Next, let’s talk about the function’s outputs.

Outputs & JSONata Variables

The Lambda function returns a nested JSON structure. Here’s a redacted example of it:

  "output": {
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST",
    "Payload": {
      "statusCode": 200,
      "body": {
        "make": "FORD",
        "yearOfManufacture": 2014,
        "engineCapacity": 1242,
        "co2Emissions": 120,
        "fuelType": "PETROL",
        "markedForExport": false,
        "colour": "GREY"
    "SdkHttpMetadata": {
      "AllHttpHeaders": {
      "HttpHeaders": {
      "HttpStatusCode": 200
    "SdkResponseMetadata": {
    "StatusCode": 200

I mentioned earlier about Lambda: Invoke‘s default Payload setting. This default creates a {% $states.result.Payload %} JSONata expression output that I can use to assign variables for downstream states.

In this example, {% $states.result.Payload %} returns this:

  "Payload": {
      "statusCode": 200,
      "body": {
        "make": "FORD",
        "yearOfManufacture": 2014,
        "engineCapacity": 1242,
        "co2Emissions": 120,
        "fuelType": "PETROL",
        "markedForExport": false,
        "colour": "GREY"

Let’s make a variable for statusCode. In the response, statusCode is a property of Payload:

  "Payload": {
      "statusCode": 200

In JSONata this is expressed as {% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}. Then I can assign the JSONata expression to a statusCode variable via JSON. In the AWS console, I do this via:

  "statusCode": "{% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}"

And in Step Functions ASL via:

"Assign": {"statusCode": "{% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}"}

I can then call this variable using $statusCode. Here, this will return 200.

Next, let’s make a make variable. This is slightly more involved as make is a property of body, which is itself a property of Payload:

  "Payload": {
      "body": {
        "make": "FORD"

So this time I need:

"make": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.make%}"

"Assign": {"make": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.make%}"}

And now $make will return "FORD".

So let’s do the other values:

"Assign": {
    "statusCode": "{% $states.result.Payload.statusCode %}",
    "make": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.make%}",
    "yearOfManufacture": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture) %}",
    "engineCapacity": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.engineCapacity) %}",
    "co2Emissions": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.co2Emissions) %}",
    "fuelType": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.fuelType %}",
    "markedForExport": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.markedForExport%}",
    "colour": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.colour%}"

Note that variables returning numbers from the response body like yearOfManufacture have an additional $string JSONata expression. I’ll explain the reason for this in the DynamoDB section.

Lambda Issues

When I first started using Step Functions variables, I used a different Lambda function for the API call and kept getting this error:

An error occurred.

The JSONata expression '$states.input.body.make' specified for the field 'Assign/make' returned nothing (undefined).

After getting myself confused, I checked the function’s return statement and found this:

return {
    'statusCode': response.status_code,
    'body': response.text

Here, response.text returns the response body as a JSON-formatted string rather than as a nested dictionary:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": "{\"make\":\"FORD\",\"yearOfManufacture\":2014,\"engineCapacity\":1242,\"co2Emissions\":120,\"fuelType\":\"PETROL\",\"markedForExport\":false,\"colour\":\"GREY\"}"

That string isn’t compatible with dot notation. So while $states.input.body will match the whole body, $states.input.body.make can’t match anything because the string can’t be traversed. So nothing is returned, causing the error.

Using response.json() fixes this, as the response is now correctly structured for JSONata expressions:

return {
    'statusCode': response.status_code,
    'body': response.json()

Choice State

The Choice state here is very similar to a previous one. This Choice state checks the Lambda function’s API response and routes accordingly.

Here, the Choice state uses the JSONata expression {% $statusCode = 200 %} to check the $statusCode variable value. By default, it will transition to the SNS Publish: Fail state. However, if $statusCode equals 200, then the Choice state will transition to the DynamoDB PutItem state instead:

    "Check API Status Code": {
      "Type": "Choice",
      "Choices": [
          "Next": "DynamoDB PutItem",
          "Condition": "{% $statusCode = 200 %}"
      "Default": "SNS Publish: Fail"

This step prevents silent failures by ensuring unsuccessful API responses trigger an SNS notification instead of proceeding to DynamoDB. It also helps maintain data integrity by isolating success and failure paths, and ensuring only valid responses are saved in DynamoDB.

So now I’ve captured the data and confirmed its integrity. Next, let’s store it somewhere!

Amazon DynamoDB

It’s time to think about storing the API data. Enter DynamoDB! This section covers creating a table, writing data and integrating DynamoDB with AWS Step Functions and JSONata. I’ll share key lessons learned, especially about handling data types correctly.

Let’s start by creating a table.

Creating A Table

Before inserting data into DynamoDB, I need to create a table. Since DynamoDB is a schemaless database, all that is required to create a new table is a table name and a primary key. Naming the table is straightforward, so let’s focus on the key.

DynamoDB has two types of key:

  • Partition key (required): Part of the table’s primary key. It’s a hash value that is used to retrieve items from the table and allocate data across hosts for scalability and availability.
  • Sort key (optional): The second part of a table’s primary key. The sort key enables sorting or searching among all items sharing the same partition key.

Let’s look at an example using a Login table. In this table, the user ID serves as the partition key, while the login date acts as the sort key. This structure enables efficient lookups and sorting, allowing quick retrieval of a user’s login history while minimizing operational overhead.

To use a physical analogy, consider the DynamoDB table as a filing cabinet, the Partition key as a drawer, and the Sort key as a folder. If I wanted to retrieve User 123‘s logins for 2025, I would:

  • Access the Logins filing cabinet (DynamoDB table).
  • Find User 123’s drawer (Partition Key).
  • Get User 123’s 2025 folder (Sort Key).

DynamoDB provides many features beyond those discussed here. For the latest features, please refer to the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

Writing Data

So now I have a table, how do I put data in it?

DynamoDB offers several ways to write data, and a common one is PutItem. This lets me insert or replace an item in my table. Here’s a basic example of adding a login event to a UserLogins table:

    "TableName": "UserLogins",
    "Item": {
        "UserID": { "S": "123" },
        "LoginDate": { "S": "2025-02-25T12:00:00Z" },
        "Device": { "S": "Laptop" }


  • TableName specifies the name of the DynamoDB table where the item will be stored.
  • Item represents the data being inserted into the table. It contains key-value pairs, where the attributes (e.g. UserID) are mapped to their corresponding data types (e.g. "S") and values (e.g. "123").
  • UserID is an attribute in the item being inserted.
  • "S" is a data type descriptor, ensuring that DynamoDB knows how to store and index it.
  • "123" is the value assigned to the UserID attribute.

While DynamoDB is NoSQL, it still enforces strict data types and naming rules to ensure consistency. These are detailed in the DynamoDB Developer Guide, but here’s a quick rundown of supported data types as of March 2025:

  • S – String
  • N – Number
  • B – Binary
  • BOOL – Boolean
  • NULL – Null
  • M – Map
  • L – List
  • SS – String Set
  • NS – Number Set
  • BS – Binary Set

Step Functions Config

So how do I apply this to Step Functions? Well, remember when I set variables in the output of the Lambda function? Step Functions lets me reference those variables here.

Here’s how I store a make attribute in DynamoDB, using my $make variable in a JSONata expression:

    "TableName": "REDACTED",
    "Item": {
        "make": { "S": "{% $make %}" }

This is equivalent to:

    "TableName": "REDACTED",
    "Item": {
        "make": { "S": "FORD" }

Using JSONata, I can dynamically inject values during execution instead of hardcoding them.

Now let’s add a yearOfManufacture attribute:

    "TableName": "REDACTED",
    "Item": {
        "make": { "S": "{% $make %}" },
        "yearOfManufacture": { "N": "{% $yearOfManufacture %}" }

This pattern continues for my other attributes:

  "TableName": "REDACTED",
  "Item": {
    "make": {
      "S": "{% $make %}"
    "yearOfManufacture": {
      "N": "{% $yearOfManufacture%}"
    "engineCapacity": {
      "N": "{% $engineCapacity %}"
    "co2Emissions": {
      "N": "{% $co2Emissions%}"
    "fuelType": {
      "S": "{% $fuelType %}"
    "markedForExport": {
      "BOOL": "{% $markedForExport %}"
    "colour": {
      "S": "{% $colour %}"

All this is then passed as an Argument to the DynamoDB: PutItem action in the state machine’s ASL:

    "DynamoDB PutItem": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::dynamodb:putItem",
      "Arguments": {
        "TableName": "REDACTED",
        "Item": {
          "make": {
            "S": "{% $make %}"
          "yearOfManufacture": {
            "N": "{% $yearOfManufacture%}"
          "engineCapacity": {
            "N": "{% $engineCapacity %}"
          "co2Emissions": {
            "N": "{% $co2Emissions%}"
          "fuelType": {
            "S": "{% $fuelType %}"
          "markedForExport": {
            "BOOL": "{% $markedForExport %}"
          "colour": {
            "S": "{% $colour %}"

Finally, DynamoDB:PutAction gets the same error handling as Lambda:Invoke.

So I got all this working first time, right? Well…

DynamoDB Issues

During my first attempts, I got this error:

An error occurred while executing the state 'DynamoDB PutItem'.

The Parameters '{"TableName":"REDACTED","Item":{"make":{"S":"FORD"},"yearOfManufacture":{"N":2014}}}' could not be used to start the Task:

[The value for the field 'N' must be a STRING]

Ok. Not the first time I’ve seen data type problems. I’ll just change the yearOfManufacture data type to "S"(string) and try again…

An error occurred while executing the state 'DynamoDB PutItem'.

The Parameters '{"TableName":"REDACTED","Item":{"make":{"S":"FORD"},"yearOfManufacture":{"S":2014}}}' could not be used to start the Task:

[The value for the field 'S' must be a STRING]

DynamoDB rejected both approaches (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The issue wasn’t the data type, but how it was formatted. DynamoDB treats numbers as strings in its JSON-like structure, so even when using numbers they must be wrapped in quotes.

In the case of yearOfManufacture, where I was providing 2014:

"yearOfManufacture": {"N": 2014}

DynamoDB needed "2014":

"yearOfManufacture": {"N": "2014"}

Thankfully, JSONata came to the rescue again! Remember the $string function from the Lambda section? Well, $string casts the given argument to a string!

So this:

"yearOfManufacture": "{% $states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture %}"

> 2014

Becomes this:

"yearOfManufacture": "{% $string($states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture) %}"

> "2014"

This solved the problem with no Lambda function changes or additional states!

Amazon SNS

After successfully writing data to DynamoDB, I want to include a confirmation step by sending a notification through Amazon SNS.

While this approach is not recommended for high-volume use cases because of potential costs and notification fatigue, it can be helpful for testing, monitoring, and debugging. Additionally, it offers an opportunity to reuse variables from previous states and dynamically format a message using JSONata.

The goal is to send an email notification like this:

A 2014 GREY FORD has been added to DynamoDB on (current date and time)

To do this, I’ll use:

  • $yearOfManufacture for the vehicle’s year (2014)
  • $colour for the vehicle’s colour (GREY)
  • $make for the manufacturer (FORD)

Plus the JSONata $now() function for the current date and time. This generates a UTC timestamp in ISO 8601-compatible format and returns it as a string. E.g. "2025-02-25T19:12:59.152Z"

So the code will look something like:

A $yearOfManufacture $colour $make has been added to DynamoDB on $now()

Which translates to this JSONata expression:

{% 'A ' & $yearOfManufacture & ' ' & $colour & ' ' & $make & ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' & $now() %}

Let’s analyse each part of the JSONata expression to understand how it builds the final message:


  'A '
  ' ' 
  ' ' 
  ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' 

Each part of this expression plays a specific role:

  • ‘A ‘ | ‘ has been added to DynamoDB on ‘: Static strings & spaces.
  • $yearOfManufacture | $colour | $make: Dynamic values.
  • $now(): JSONata function.
  • ‘ ‘: Static spaces to separate JSONata variable outputs.

The static spaces are important! Without them, I’d get this:


Instead of the expected:


This JSONata expression is passed as the Message argument in the SNS:Publish action, ensuring the notification contains the correctly formatted message:

"Message": "{% 'A ' & $yearOfManufacture & ' ' & $colour & ' ' & $make & ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' & $now() %}"

Finally, to integrate this with Step Functions it is included in the SNS Publish: Success task ASL:

"SNS Publish: Success": {
    "Type": "Task",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sns:publish",
    "Arguments": {
      "Message": "{% 'A ' & $yearOfManufacture & ' ' & $colour & ' ' & $make & ' has been added to DynamoDB on ' & $now() %}",
      "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:REDACTED:success-stepfunction"

Final Workflow

Finally, let’s see what the workflows look like. Here’s the workflow graph:

stepfunctions graph

And here’s the workflow ASL on GitHub.


In this section, I run some test executions against my simplified Step Functions workflow and check the variables. I’ll test four requests – two valid and two invalid.

Valid Request: Ford

Firstly, what happens when a valid API request is made and everything works as expected?

The Step Functions execution succeeds:

stepfunctions graph testsuccess

Each state completes successfully:

2025 02 26 StateViewSuccess

My DynamoDB table now contains one item:

2025 02 26 DyDBTable1

I receive a confirmation email from SNS:

2025 02 26 SNSSuccessFord

If I send the same request again, the existing DynamoDB item is overwritten because the primary key remains the same.

Valid Request: Audi

Next, what happens if I make a valid request for a different car? The steps repeat as above, and my DynamoDB table now has two items:

2025 02 26 DyDBTable2

And I get a different email:

2025 02 26 SNSSuccessAudi

Invalid Request

Next, what happens if the car in my request doesn’t exist? Well, it does fail, but in an unexpected way:

stepfunctions graphfail

The API returns an error response:

"Payload": {
      "statusCode": 500,
      "body": "{\"error\": \"API request failed: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url"}"

I’d expected the response to be passed to the Choice state, which would then notice the 500 status code and start the Fail process. But this happened instead:

2025 02 26 StateViewFail

The failure occurs at the assignment of the Lambda action variable! It attempts to assign a yearOfManufacture value from the API response body to a variable, but since there is no response body the assignment fails:

  "cause": "An error occurred while executing the state 'Lambda Invoke' (entered at the event id #2). The JSONata expression '$states.result.Payload.body.yearOfManufacture ' specified for the field 'Assign/yearOfManufacture ' returned nothing (undefined).",
  "error": "States.QueryEvaluationError",
  "location": "Assign/registrationNumber",
  "state": "Lambda Invoke"

I also get an email, but this one is less fancy as it just dumps the whole output:

2025 02 26 SNSFail

So I still get my Fail outcome – just not in the expected way. Despite this, the Choice state remains valuable for preventing invalid data from entering DynamoDB.

No Request

Finally, what happens if no data is passed to the state machine at all?

Actually, this situation is very similar to the invalid request! There’s a different error message in the log:

"Payload": {
      "statusCode": 400,
      "body": "{\"error\": \"Registration number not provided\"}"

But otherwise it’s the same events and outcome. The Lambda variable assignment fails, triggering an SNS email and an ExecutionFailed result.

Cost Analysis

This section examines the costs of my simplified Step Functions variables workflow. This section is brief since all services used in this workflow fall within the AWS Free Tier! For transparency, I’ll include my billing metrics for the month. These are account-wide, and I’m still nowhere near paying AWS anything!


$0.1415 per million read request units (EU (Ireland))30.5 ReadRequestUnits
$0.705 per million write request units (EU (Ireland))13 WriteRequestUnits


AWS Lambda – Compute Free Tier – 400,000 GB-Seconds – EU (Ireland)76.219 Second
AWS Lambda – Requests Free Tier – 1,000,000 Requests – EU (Ireland)110 Request


First 1,000 Amazon SNS Email/Email-JSON Notifications per month are free19 Notifications
First 1,000,000 Amazon SNS API Requests per month are free289 Requests

Step Functions:

$0 for first 4,000 state transitions431 StateTransitions

This experiment demonstrates how cost-effective Step Functions can be. As long as my usage remains within the Free Tier, I pay nothing! If my workflow grows, I’ll monitor costs and optimise accordingly.


In this post, I used AWS Step Functions variables and JSONata to create a simplified API data capture workflow with Lambda and DynamoDB.

With a background in SQL and Python, I’m no stranger to variables, and I love that they’re now a native part of Step Functions. AWS keeps enhancing Step Functions every few months, making it more powerful and versatile. The introduction of variables unlocks new possibilities for data manipulation, serverless applications and event-driven workflows, and I’m excited to explore them further in the coming months!

For a visual walkthrough of Step Functions variables and JSONata, check out this Serverless Office Hours episode with AWS Principal Developer Advocates Eric Johnson and Julian Wood:

If this post has been useful then the button below has links for contact, socials, projects and sessions:

SharkLinkButton 1

Thanks for reading ~~^~~

Data & Analytics

Bespoke Veracity Checks With AWS Glue Data Quality

In this post, I use AWS Glue Data Quality checks and rulesets to apply bespoke veracity checks to my WordPress datasets.

Table of Contents


In my last post, I used the AWS Glue ETL Job Script Editor to write a Silver ETL Python script. Within that script and the ones prior, there are checks like:

If these checks all pass then datasets are created in various S3 buckets. But before I use these datasets for reporting and analytics, I should check their quality first.

In my Building And Automating Serverless Auto-Scaling Data Pipelines In AWS session, I talk about the Four V’s of Big Data. One of these Vs is Veracity – the measure of data’s truthfulness, accuracy and quality. AWS Glue offers veracity checks with AWS Glue Data Quality.

Launched in 2023, AWS Glue Data Quality measures and monitors data quality and veracity. It is built on top of an open-source framework, and provides a managed, serverless experience with machine learning augmentation.

Firstly, I’ll examine AWS Glue Data Quality and some of its features. Then I’ll use it to recommend rules for some of my Silver layer data objects, and then customise those recommendations as needed. Next, I’ll create and test a Glue Data Quality job using those rules. Finally, I’ll examine my Glue Data Quality costs.

AWS Glue Data Quality

This section introduces AWS Glue Data Quality and examines some of its features.

What Is Glue Data Quality?

From AWS:

AWS Glue Data Quality evaluates and monitors the quality of your data based on rules that you define. This makes it easy to identify the data that needs action. You can then monitor and evaluate changes to your datasets as they evolve over time.

AWS Glue Data Quality features include:

  • Creating & recommending sets of data quality rules.
  • Running the data quality rules as on-demand and scheduled jobs.
  • Monitoring and reporting against the data quality results.

So how do data quality rules work?

Glue Data Quality Rules

From AWS:

AWS Glue Data Quality currently supports 18 built-in rule types under four categories:

  1. Consistency rules check if data across different columns agrees by looking at column correlations.
  2. Accuracy rules check if record counts meet a set threshold and if columns are not empty, match certain patterns, have valid data types, and have valid values.
  3. Integrity rules check if duplicates exist in a dataset.
  4. Completeness rules check if data in your datasets do not have missing values.

AWS Glue Data Quality rules are defined using Data Quality Definition Language (DQDL). DQDL uses a Rules list containing comma-separated rules in square brackets.

For example, this DQLD rule checks for missing values in customer-id and unique values in order-id:

Rules = [
   IsComplete "customer-id",
   IsUnique "order-id"

AWS maintains a DQDL reference that advises about syntax, structure, expressions, and rule types. Now all of this can be a lot to take in, so a good way of getting started is to get AWS to do some of the heavy lifting…

Glue Data Quality Rule Recommendations

Getting to grips with new features can be daunting. To help out, AWS Glue Data Quality can analyse data in the Glue Data Catalog. This process uses machine learning to identify and recommend rules for the analysed data. These rules can then be used and changed as needed.

Glue Data Quality recommendations are generated using Amazon’s Deequ open-source framework, which is tested on Amazon’s own petabyte-scale datasets. AWS has documented the recommendation generation process, and has released supporting videos like:

So that’s enough theory – let’s build something!

Ruleset Creation

In this section, I create a Glue Data Quality veracity ruleset for my silver-statistcs_pages dataset by generating and customising Glue’s recommendations.

Generating Recommendations

Firstly, I told Glue Data Quality to scan the dataset and recommend some rules. Two minutes later, Glue returned these:

Rules = [
    RowCount between 4452 and 17810,
    IsComplete "page_id",
    StandardDeviation "page_id" between 2444.94 and 2702.3,
    Uniqueness "page_id" > 0.95,
    ColumnValues "page_id" <= 8925,
    IsComplete "uri",
    ColumnLength "uri" <= 190,
    IsComplete "type",
    ColumnValues "type" in ["post","home","page","category","post_tag","archive","author","search"],
    ColumnValues "type" in ["post","home"] with threshold >= 0.94,
    ColumnLength "type" between 3 and 9,
    IsComplete "date",
    IsComplete "count",
    ColumnValues "count" in ["1","2","3","4","5","6"] with threshold >= 0.9,
    StandardDeviation "count" between 3.89 and 4.3,
    ColumnValues "count" <= 93,
    IsComplete "id",
    ColumnValues "id" in ["92","11","281","7","1143","1902","770","1217","721","1660","2169","589","371","67","484","4","898","0","691","2029","1606","2686","1020","2643","2993","1400","30","167","2394"] with threshold >= 0.89,
    StandardDeviation "id" between 820.3 and 906.65,
    ColumnValues "id" <= 3532,
    IsComplete "date_todate",
    IsComplete "date_year",
    ColumnValues "date_year" in ["2023","2024","2022"],
    ColumnValues "date_year" between 2021 and 2025,
    IsComplete "date_month",
    ColumnValues "date_month" in ["6","7","5","4","3","8","2","1","11","12","10","9"],
    ColumnValues "date_month" in ["6","7","5","4","3","8","2","1","11","12","10"] with threshold >= 0.94,
    StandardDeviation "date_month" between 3.09 and 3.41,
    ColumnValues "date_month" <= 12,
    IsComplete "date_day",
    ColumnValues "date_day" in ["13","7","12","8","6","3","19","20","17","4","9","14","1","16","2","11","5","15","10","26","21","25","24","18","27","22","28","30","23","29","31"],
    ColumnValues "date_day" in ["13","7","12","8","6","3","19","20","17","4","9","14","1","16","2","11","5","15","10","26","21","25","24","18","27","22","28","30"] with threshold >= 0.91,
    StandardDeviation "date_day" between 8.3 and 9.18,
    ColumnValues "date_day" <= 31

A lot is going on here, so let’s deep a little deeper.

Recommendations Analysis

As with many machine learning processes, some human validation of the results is wise before moving forward.

While Glue Data Quality can predict rules based on its ML model and the data supplied, I have years of familiarity with the data and can intuit likely future trends and patterns. As Glue currently lacks this intuition, some recommendations are more useful than others. Let’s examine some of them and I’ll elaborate.

Firstly, these recommendations are totally fine:

IsComplete "page_id",
IsComplete "uri",
IsComplete "date",
IsComplete "count",

IsComplete checks whether all of the values in a column are complete with no NULL values present. This is completely reasonable and should apply to all columns in the silver-statistics_pages data. An easy win.

However, some recommendations need work:

ColumnValues "date_year" in ["2023","2024","2022"],
ColumnValues "date_year" between 2021 and 2025,

ColumnValues runs an expression against the values in a column. These rules (which are both checking the same thing as DQDL’s BETWEEN is exclusive) state that:

date_year must be 2022, 2023 or 2024

This is fine for now, as 2024 is the current year and the first statistics are from 2022. But a post published next year will cause this rule to fail. And not because of incorrect data – because of incorrect rule configuration. Hello false positives!

Finally, some suggestions are outright wrong. For example:

ColumnValues "page_id" <= 8925,

This rule checks that the page_id column doesn’t exceed 8925. But page_id is a primary key! It auto-increments with every new row! So this rule will fail almost immediately, and so is completely unsuitable.

Ok so let’s fix them!

Recommendations Modifications

Firstly, let’s fix the date_year rule by replacing the range with a minimum value:

ColumnValues "date_year" >= 2021,

Now let’s fix the page_id rule. This column is a primary key in the WordPress MySQL database, so every value should be unique. Therefore the ruleset should check page_id for uniqueness.

As it turns out I’m spoilt for choice here! There are (at least) three relevant rules I can use:

IsUnique "page_id",
IsPrimaryKey "page_id",
Uniqueness "page_id" = 1.0,

Let’s examine them:

  • IsUnique checks whether all of the values in a column are unique. Exactly what I’m after.
  • IsPrimaryKey goes a step further, verifying that a column contains a primary key by checking if all of the values in the column are unique and complete (non-null).
  • Finally, Uniqueness checks the percentage of unique values in a column against a given expression. In my example, "page_id" = 1.0 states that each page_id column value must be 100% unique.

So why not use them all? Well, besides that being overkill there is a cost implication. Like many Glue services, AWS Glue Data Quality is billed by job duration (per DPU hour). If I keep all three rules then I’m doing the same check three times. This is wasteful and creates unnecessary costs.

Here, the IsPrimaryKey check most closely matches the source column (itself a primary key) so I’ll use that.

Elsewhere, I’m simplifying date_month and date_day. While these are correct:

ColumnValues "date_month" in ["6","7","5","4","3","8","2","1","11","12","10","9"],
ColumnValues "date_day" in ["13","7","12","8","6","3","19","20","17","4","9","14","1","16","2","11","5","15","10","26","21","25","24","18","27","22","28","30","23","29","31"],

It’s far simpler to read as:

ColumnValues "date_month" between 0 and 13,
ColumnValues "date_day" between 0 and 32,

Finally, I did some housekeeping to reduce the ruleset’s duration:

  • Removed all the duplicate checks. IsComplete was fine for most.
  • ColumnLength checks are gone as the WordPress database already enforces character limits.
  • StandardDeviation checks are also gone as they don’t add any value here.

Now let’s use these suggestions as a starting point for my own ruleset.

Customising A Ruleset

In addition to the above rules and changes, the following rules have been added to the silver-statistics_pages ruleset:

ColumnCount checks the dataset’s column count against a given expression. This checks there are ten columns in silver-statistics_pages:

ColumnCount = 10

RowCount checks a dataset’s row count against a given expression. This checks there are more than zero rows in silver-statistics_pages:

RowCount > 0

RowCountMatch checks the ratio of the primary dataset’s row count and a reference dataset’s row count against the given expression. This checks that the row count of silver-statistics_pages and bronze-statistics_pages are the same (100%):

RowCountMatch "wordpress_api.bronze-statistics_pages" = 1.0

ReferentialIntegrity checks to what extent the values of a set of columns in the primary dataset are a subset of the values of a set of columns in a reference dataset. This checks that each silver-statistics_pages ID value is present in silver-posts:

ReferentialIntegrity "id" "" = 1.0

Finally, here is my finished silver-statistics_pages ruleset:

# silver-statistics_pages data quality rules

Rules = [
    # all data
    ColumnCount = 10,
    RowCount > 0,
    RowCountMatch "wordpress_api.bronze-statistics_pages" = 1.0,
    # page_id
    IsPrimaryKey "page_id",
    # uri
    IsComplete "uri",
    # type
    IsComplete "type",
    # date
    IsComplete "date",
    ColumnValues "date_todate" <= now(),
    # count
    IsComplete "count",
    ColumnValues "count" between 0 and 1000,
    # id
    IsComplete "id",
    ReferentialIntegrity "id" "" = 1.0,
    # date_todate
    IsComplete "date_todate",
    ColumnValues "date_todate" <= now(),
    # date_year
    IsComplete "date_year",
    ColumnValues "date_year" >= 2021,
    # date_month
    IsComplete "date_month",
    ColumnValues "date_month" between 0 and 13,
    # date_day
    IsComplete "date_day",
    ColumnValues "date_day" between 0 and 32


Once a ruleset is created, it can be edited, cloned and run. So let’s test it out!

Ruleset Testing

In this section, I test my Glue Data Quality veracity ruleset and act on its findings. But first I need to get it running…

Job Test: Data Fetch Fail

Running my ruleset for the first time, it didn’t take long for a problem to appear:

Exception in User Class: java.lang.RuntimeException : 
Failed to fetch data. 
Please check the logs in CloudWatch to get more details.

Uh oh. Guess it’s time to check CloudWatch. This wasn’t an easy task the first time round!

Glue Data Quality generates two new log groups:

  • aws-glue/data-quality/error
  • aws-glue/data-quality/output

And each Data Quality job run creates five log streams:

2024 08 23 LogStream

But there’s no clear hint of where to start! So I dived in and started reading the error logs. After some time, it turned out I actually needed the output logs. Oh well.

And in an output log stream’s massive stack trace:

2024 08 23 Stacktrace
This isn’t even half of it – Ed

Was my problem:

Caused by:
No such file or directory

No such directory? Well, there definitely is! Sounds like a permissions issue. What gives?

So, remember my RowCountMatch check? It’s trying to compare the silver-statistics_pages row count to the bronze-statistics_pages row count. Like most AWS services, AWS Glue uses an IAM role to interact with AWS resources – in this case the Bronze and Silver Lakehouse S3 buckets.

So let’s check:

  • Can the Glue Data Quality check’s IAM role read from the Silver Lakehouse S3 bucket? Yup!
  • Can it read from the Bronze one? Ah…

Adding s3:GetObject for the bronze S3 path to the Glue Data Quality check’s IAM role fixed this error. Now the job runs and returns results!

Job Test: Constraint Not Met

Next up, I got an interesting message from my ColumnValues "count" rule:

ColumnValues "count" between 0 and 1000

Value: 93.0 does not meet the constraint requirement!

That’s…a lot! Then I realised I’d set the rule conditions to between 0 and 1 instead of between 0 and 1000. Oops…

Then I got a confusing result from my ReferentialIntegrity "id" "" = 1.0 rule:

ReferentialIntegrity "id" "" = 1.0 

Value: 0.9763982102908277 does not meet the constraint requirement.

As a reminder, ReferentialIntegrity checks to what extent the values of a set of columns in the primary dataset are a subset of the values of a set of columns in a reference dataset. And because "" values are based entirely on "" values, they should be a perfect match!

Time to investigate. I launched Athena and put this query together:

SELECT AS stats_id
, AS post_id
FROM "wordpress_api"."silver-statistics_pages" AS sp
LEFT JOIN "wordpress_api"."silver-posts" AS p 
ON =

And the results quickly highlighted a problem:

2024 08 23 AthenaResults

Here, the LEFT JOIN retrieves all silver-statistics_pages IDs and each row’s matching ID from silver-posts. The empty spaces represent NULLs, where no matching silver-posts ID was found. So what’s going on? What is stats_id zero in silver-statistics_pages?

Reviewing the silver-statistics_pages uri column shows that ID zero is amazonwebshark’s home page. As the WordPress posts table doesn’t record anything about the home page, the statistics_pages table can’t link to anything in posts. So ID zero is used to prevent missing data.

Knowing this, how can I update the rule? In June 2024 AWS added DQDL WHERE clause support, so I tried to add a “where statistics_pages ID isn’t zero” condition. But in testing the editor either didn’t run the check properly or rejected my syntax entirely. So eventually I settled for changing the check’s threshold from = 1.0 to >= 0.9. Maybe something to revisit in a few months.

Run History & Reporting

So now all my rules are working, what benefits do I get? Firstly, AWS Glue shows the job’s run history including status, result and start/stop times:

2024 08 23 DQHistory

Each run is expandable, showing details like duration, overall score and each check’s output. Results are also downloadable – in testing this gave me an unreadable file but adding a JSON suffix let me view the contents:

	"ResultId": "dqresult-e76896fe1ab1dd3436cf12b719da726416d4e64e",
	"Score": 0.95,
	"DataSource": {
		"GlueTable": {
			"DatabaseName": "wordpress_api",
			"TableName": "silver-statistics_pages",
			"CatalogId": "973122011240"
	"RulesetName": "silver-statistics_pages",
	"StartedOn": "2024-08-22T17:23:20.468Z",
	"CompletedOn": "2024-08-22T17:23:45.680Z",
	"RulesetEvaluationRunId": "dqrun-a94651ef8547f426cb977c9451c39061c68aefbd",
	"RuleResults": [
			"Name": "Rule_1",
			"Description": "ColumnCount = 10",
			"Result": "PASS",
			"EvaluatedMetrics": {
				"Dataset.*.ColumnCount": 10
			"Name": "Rule_2",
			"Description": "RowCount > 0",
			"Result": "PASS",
			"EvaluatedMetrics": {
				"Dataset.*.RowCount": 8940
			"Name": "Rule_3",
			"Description": "RowCountMatch \"wordpress_api.bronze-statistics_pages\" = 1.0",
			"Result": "PASS",
			"EvaluatedMetrics": {
				"Dataset.wordpress_api.bronze-statistics_pages.RowCountMatch": 1
			"Name": "Rule_4",
			"Description": "IsPrimaryKey \"page_id\"",
			"Result": "PASS",
			"EvaluatedMetrics": {
				"Column.page_id.Completeness": 1,
				"Column.page_id.Uniqueness": 1

[REDACTED Rules 5 to 19 for space - Ed]

			"Name": "Rule_20",
			"Description": "ColumnValues \"date_day\" between 0 and 32",
			"Result": "PASS",
			"EvaluatedMetrics": {
				"Column.date_day.Maximum": 31,
				"Column.date_day.Minimum": 1

Finally, there’s a snapshot chart showing the results trend of the last ten runs:

2024 08 23 DQSnapshot

Although not downloadable, this can still be screen-grabbed and used to certify the data’s quality to stakeholders. Additionally, AWS has documented a visualisation solution using Lambda, S3 and Athena.

Additional Data Quality Ruleset

With the silver-statistics_pages ruleset testing complete, I added a second dataset check before I moved on. This ruleset is applied to silver-posts.

The checks are very similar to silver-statistics_pages in terms of rules and criteria. So in the interests of space I’ve committed it to my GitHub repo.

Now, let’s add my Glue Data Quality checks into my WordPress pipeline.

Ruleset Orchestration

In this section, I integrate my Glue Data Quality veracity checks into my existing WordPress Data Pipeline Step Function workflow.

Step Function Integration

As a quick reminder, here’s how the Step Function workflow currently looks:

2024 08 09 stepfunctions graph

This workflow controls the ingestion, validation, crawling and ETL processes associated with my WordPress API data. I’ll insert the quality checks between the Silver ETL job and the Silver crawler.

AWS Step Functions runs Glue Data Quality checks using the StartDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRun task. This task uses an AWS SDK integration, calling the StartDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRun API with the following parameters:

  • Data source (AWS Glue table) associated with the run.
  • IAM role to run the checks with.
  • Ruleset(s) to run.

Optional parameters are also available. In the case of my silver-statistics_pages ruleset, the API parameters are as follows:

  "DataSource": {
    "GlueTable": {
      "DatabaseName": "wordpress_api",
      "TableName": "silver-statistics_pages"
  "Role": "Glue-S3ReadOnly",
  "RulesetNames": [

Because the TableName parameter is different for the silver-posts checks, each check needs a separate action. However, I can use a Parallel state because both actions can run simultaneously. This will take full advantage of AWS’s systems, yielding faster execution times for my workflow.

Here is how my Step Function workflow looks with these changes:

stepfunctions graph

This workflow is executed by an EventBridge Schedule running daily at 07:00.

Step Function Testing

Testing time! My workflow needs new IAM permissions to perform its new tasks. These are:

  • glue:StartDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRun

This lets the workflow start the silver-statistics_pages and silver-posts Data Quality jobs.

  • iam:PassRole

A Glue Data Quality job must assume an IAM role to access AWS resources successfully. Without iam:PassRole the workflow can’t do this and the check fails.

  • glue:GetTable

The workflow must access the Glue Data Catalog while running, requiring glue:GetTable on the desired region’s Data Catalog ARN to get the required metadata.

With these updates, the workflow executes successfully:

2024 08 28 SFExec

During the parallel state, both Data Quality jobs successfully start and finish within milliseconds of each other instead of running sequentially:

2024 08 28 SFResults

Cost Analysis

In this section, I examine my costs for the updated Step Function workflow.

This Cost Explorer chart runs from 16 August to the end of August. It is grouped by API Operation and excludes some APIs that aren’t part of this workload.

2024 09 01 Costs

Some notes:

  • I was experimenting with Glue Data Quality from 19 August to 22 August. This period generates the highest Glue Jobrun costs – $0.23 on the 20th and $0.27 on the 22nd.
  • The silver-statistics_pages ruleset was added to the Step Function workflow on the 26th. The silver-posts ruleset was then added on the 27th.
  • The CrawlerRun daily costs are usually $0.04, with some experiments generating higher costs.

My main costs are from Glue’s Jobrun and CrawlerRun operations, which was expected. Each ruleset costs around $0.09 a day to run, while each crawler continues to cost $0.02 a day. Beyond that I’m paying for some S3 PutObject calls, and everything else is within the free tier.

Separately, AWS has tested Data Quality rulesets of varying complexity. Their accrued costs ranged from $0.18 for the least complex to $0.54 for the most complex. So on par with mine!


In this post, I used AWS Glue Data Quality checks and rulesets to apply bespoke veracity checks to my WordPress datasets.

I think AWS Glue Data Quality is a very effective veracity tool. The simple syntax, quick execution and deep AWS integration offer a good solution to a core Data Engineering issue. It’s great that datasets can be compared with other datasets in the Glue Data Catalog, and the baked-in reporting and visuals make Glue’s findings immediately accessible to both technical engineers and non-technical stakeholders. I look forward to seeing what future Glue Data Quality releases will offer!

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SharkLinkButton 1

Thanks for reading ~~^~~

Developing & Application Integration

WordPress Bronze Data Orchestration With AWS

In this post, I create my WordPress pipeline’s bronze data orchestration process using AWS Lambda layers and AWS Step Functions.

Table of Contents


In recent posts, I’ve written a Python script to extract WordPress API data and automated the script’s invocation with AWS services. This script creates five JSON objects in an S3 bucket at 07:00 each morning.

Now, I want to transform the data from semi-structured raw JSON into a more structured and query-friendly ‘bronze’ format to prepare it for downstream partitioning, cleansing and filtration.

Firstly, I’ll cover the additions and changes to my pipeline architecture. Next, I’ll examine both my new bronze Python function and the changes made to the existing raw function.

Finally, I’ll deploy the bronze script to AWS Lambda and create my WordPress pipeline orchestration process with AWS Step Functions. This process will ensure both Lambdas run in a set order each day.

Let’s start by examining my latest architectural decisions.

Architectural Decisions

In this section, I examine my architectural decisions for the bronze AWS Lambda function and the WordPress pipeline orchestration. Note that these decisions are in addition to my previous ones here and here.

AWS SDK For pandas

AWS SDK For pandas is an open-source Python initiative using the pandas library. It integrates with AWS services including Athena, Glue, Redshift, DynamoDB and S3, offering abstracted functions to execute various data processes.

AWS SDK For pandas used to be called awswrangler until AWS renamed it for clarity. It now exists as AWS SDK For pandas in documentation and awswrangler in code.

AWS Lambda Layers

A Lambda layer is an archive containing code like libraries, dependencies, or custom runtimes. Layers can be both created manually and provided by AWS and third parties. Each Lambda function can include up to five layers.

Layers can be shared between functions, reducing code duplication and package sizes. This reduces storage costs and lets the smaller packages deploy markedly faster. Layers also separate dependencies from function code, supporting decoupling and separation of concerns.

AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions is a serverless orchestration service that integrates with other AWS services to build application workflows as a series of event-driven steps. For example, chaining Athena queries and ML model training.

Central to the Step Functions service are the concepts of States and State Machines:

  • States represent single steps or tasks in a workflow, and can be one of several types. The Step Functions Developer Guide has a full list of states.

The AWS Step Functions Developer Guide’s welcome page has more details including workflow types, use cases and a variety of sample projects.

Apache Parquet

Onto the data architecture! Let’s start by choosing a structured file type for the bronze data:

Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk.

Databricks: What is Parquet?

There’s a more detailed explanation in the Parquet documentation too. So why choose Parquet over something like CSV? Well:

  • Size: Parquet supports highly efficient compression, so files take up less space and are cheaper to store than CSVs.
  • Performance: Parquet files store metadata about the data they hold. Query engines can use this metadata to find only the data needed, whereas with CSVs the whole file must be read first. This reduces the amount of processed data and enhances query performance.
  • Compatibility: Parquet is an open standard supported by various data processing frameworks including Apache Spark, Apache Hive and Presto. This means that data stored in Parquet format can be read and processed across many platforms and services.

Data Lakehouse

A Data Lakehouse is an emerging data architecture combining the centralized storage of raw data synonymous with Data Lakes with the transactional and analytical processing associated with Data Warehouses.

The result is a unified platform for efficient data management, analytics, and insights. Lakehouses have gained popularity as cloud services increasingly support them, with AWS, Azure and GCP all providing Lakehouse services.

This segues neatly into…

Medallion Architecture

Medallion Architecture is a data design pattern for logically organizing data in a Lakehouse. It aims to improve data quality as it flows through various layers incrementally. Names for these layers vary, tending to be Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Implementations of the Medallion Architecture also vary. I like this Advancing Analytics video, which maps the Medallion Architecture to their approach. Despite the title it’s not a negative video, instead outlining how the three layers don’t necessarily fit every use case.

I’m using Raw and Bronze layers here because they best fit what I’m doing with my data.

Architectural Updates

In this section, I examine the changes made to my existing architecture.

Amazon S3

I’ve created a new data-lakehouse-bronze s3 bucket in the same region as the data-lakehouse-raw bucket to separate the two data layers.

Why use two buckets instead of one bucket with two prefixes? Well, after much research I’ve not found a right or wrong answer for this. There’s no difference in cost, performance or availability as long as all objects are stored in the same AWS region.

I chose two buckets because I find it easier to manage multiple buckets with flat structures and small bucket policies, as opposed to single buckets with deep structures and large bucket policies.

The truest answer is ‘it depends’, as other factors can come into play like:

  • Data Sovereignty: S3 bucket prefixes exist in the same region as the parent bucket. Regulations like GDPR and CCPA may require using separate buckets in order to isolate data within designated locations.


I previously had two standard SNS Topics:

  • wordpress-api-raw for Lambda function alerts
  • failure-lambda for Lambda Destination alerts.

Firstly, there’s now an additional failure-stepfunction topic for any state machine failures.

Secondly, I’ve replaced my wordpress-api-raw topic with a data-lakehouse-raw topic to simplify my alerting channels and allow resource reuse. I’ve also created a new data-lakehouse-bronze topic for bronze process alerts.

Why two data topics? Well, different teams and services care about different things. A bronze-level failure may only concern the Data Engineering team as no other teams consume the data. Conversely, a gold-level failure will concern the AI and MI teams as it impacts their models and reports. Having separate SNS topics for each layer type enables granular monitoring controls.

AWS Parameter Store

Finally, Parameter Store needs the new S3 bucket name and SNS ARNs. I’ve replaced the /sns/pipeline/wordpressapi/raw parameter with /sns/data/lakehouse/raw to preserve the name schema.

I’m now storing five parameters:

  • 2x S3 Bucket names (Raw and Bronze)
  • 2x SNS Topic ARNs (Raw and Bronze notifications)
  • WordPress API Endpoints (unchanged)

Architectural Diagram

There are two diagrams this time! Firstly, here is the data_wordpressapi_bronze AWS Lambda function:


  1. AWS Lambda calls Parameter Store for S3 and SNS parameters. Parameter Store returns these to AWS Lambda.
  2. Lambda function gets raw WordPress JSON data from S3 Raw Bucket.
  3. Lambda function transforms the raw WordPress JSON data to bronze WordPress Parquet data and puts the new object in the S3 Bronze Bucket.

Meanwhile, Lambda is writing to a CloudWatch Log Group throughout its invocation. If there’s a failure, the Lambda function publishes a message to an SNS topic. SNS then delivers this message to the user’s subscribed email address.

Next, this is the AWS Step Functions WordPress bronze orchestration process:


  1. EventBridge Schedule invokes the State Machine.
  2. State Machine invokes the Raw Lambda function.
  3. State Machine invokes the Bronze Lambda function.

The State Machine also has its own logging and alerting channels.


In this section, I work on my raw and bronze Python scripts for the WordPress pipeline orchestration process.

Raw Script Updates

I try to update my existing resources when I find something pertinent online. My latest find was this Indently video that covers, amongst other things, type annotations:

So how are type annotations different from type hints? Type annotations were released in 2006 and aimed to standardize function parameters and return value annotation. Type hints (released in 2014) then added updated definitions and conventions to enrich type annotations further.

The type hints PEP shows this difference between the two:

When used in a type hint, the expression None is considered equivalent to type(None)

So in this function:

def send_email(name: str, message: str) -> None:
  • name: str is an example of type annotation because the parameter name is of type string.
  • -> None is an example of a type hint because although None isn’t a type, it confirms that the function has no output.

So what’s changed in my raw script?

Updated Import & Functions

Let’s open with a new import:

from botocore.client import BaseClient

BaseClient serves as a foundational base class for AWS service clients within botocore – a low-level library providing the core functionality of boto3 (the AWS Python SDK) and the AWS CLI.

I’m using it here to add type annotations to my boto3 clients. For example, send_sns_message already had these annotations:

def send_sns_message(sns_client, topic_arn: str, subject:str, message: str):

I’ve now annotated sns_client with BaseClient to indicate its boto3 relation. I’ve also added a -> None type hint to confirm the function has no output:

def send_sns_message(sns_client: BaseClient, topic_arn: str, subject:str, message: str) -> None:

Elsewhere, I’ve added the BaseClient annotation to get_parameter_from_ssm‘s ssm_client parameter:

def get_parameter_from_ssm(ssm_client: BaseClient, parameter_name: str) -> str:

And put_s3_object‘s s3_client parameter:

def put_s3_object(s3_client: BaseClient, bucket: str, prefix:str, name: str, json_data: str, suffix: str) -> bool:

put_s3_object also has new prefix and suffix parameters. Before this, it was hard-coded to create JSON objects in a wordpress-api S3 prefix:

    try:"Attempting to put {name} data in {bucket} bucket...")
            Body = json_data,
            Bucket = bucket,
            Key = f"wordpress-api/{name}.json"

Not any more! The S3 prefix and object suffix can now be changed dynamically:

    try:"Attempting to put {name} data in {bucket} bucket's {prefix}/{name} prefix...")
            Body = json_data,
            Bucket = bucket,
            Key = f"{prefix}/{name}/{name}.{suffix}"

This improves put_s3_object‘s reusability as I can now pass any prefix and suffix to it during a function call. For example, this call creates a JSON object:

ok = put_s3_object(client_s3, s3_bucket, data_source, object_name, api_json_string, 'json')

While this creates a CSV object:

ok = put_s3_object(client_s3, s3_bucket, data_source, object_name, api_json_string, 'csv')

Likewise, this creates a TXT object:

ok = put_s3_object(client_s3, s3_bucket, data_source, object_name, api_json_string, 'txt')

I can also set data_source (which I’ll cover shortly) to any S3 prefix, giving total control over where the object is stored.

Updated Variables

Next, some of my variables need to change. My SNS parameter name needs updating from:

# AWS Parameter Store Names
parametername_s3bucket = '/s3/lakehouse/name/raw'
parametername_snstopic = '/sns/pipeline/wordpressapi/raw'
parametername_wordpressapi = '/wordpress/amazonwebshark/api/mysqlendpoints'


# AWS Parameter Store Names
parametername_s3bucket = '/s3/lakehouse/name/raw'
parametername_snstopic = '/sns/data/lakehouse/raw'
parametername_wordpressapi = '/wordpress/amazonwebshark/api/mysqlendpoints'

I also need to lay the groundwork for put_s3_object‘s new prefix parameter. I used to have a lambdaname variable that was used in the logs:

# Lambda name for messages
lambdaname = 'data_wordpressapi_raw'

I’ve replaced this with two new variables. data_source records the data’s origin, which matches my S3 prefix naming schema. function_name then adds context to data_source to match my Lambda function naming schema:

# Lambda name for messages
data_source = 'wordpress_api'
function_name = f'data_{data_source}_raw'

data_source is then passed to the put_s3_object function call when creating raw objects:

ok = put_s3_object(client_s3, s3_bucket, data_source, object_name, api_json_string)

While function_name is used in the logs when referring to the Lambda function:

    # Check an S3 bucket has been returned.
    if not s3_bucket_raw:
        message = f"{function_name}: No S3 Raw bucket returned."
        subject = f"{function_name}: Failed"

Updated Script Body

My variables all now have type annotations. They’ve gone from:

    # AWS Parameter Store Names
    parametername_s3bucket = '/s3/lakehouse/name/raw'
    parametername_snstopic = '/sns/data/lakehouse/raw'
    parametername_wordpressapi = '/wordpress/amazonwebshark/api/mysqlendpoints'

    # Lambda name for messages
    data_source = 'wordpress_api'
    function_name = f'data_{data_source}_raw'

    # Counters
    api_call_timeout = 30
    endpoint_count_all = 0
    endpoint_count_failure = 0
    endpoint_count_success = 0


    # AWS Parameter Store Names
    parametername_s3bucket: str = '/s3/lakehouse/name/raw'
    parametername_snstopic: str = '/sns/data/lakehouse/raw'
    parametername_wordpressapi: str = '/wordpress/amazonwebshark/api/mysqlendpoints'

    # Lambda name for messages
    data_source: str = 'wordpress_api'
    function_name: str = f'data_{data_source}_raw'

    # Counters
    api_call_timeout: int = 30
    endpoint_count_all: int = 0
    endpoint_count_failure: int = 0
    endpoint_count_success: int = 0

This is helpful when the variables are passed in from settings files or external services and are not immediately apparent. So a good habit to get into!

Bronze Script

Now let’s talk about the new script, which transforms raw S3 JSON objects into bronze S3 Parquet objects. Both raw and bronze WordPress scripts will then feed into an AWS orchestration workflow.

Reused Raw Functions

The following functions are re-used from the Raw script with no changes:

Get Filename Function

Here, I want to get each S3 path’s object name. The object name has some important uses:

  • Using it instead of the full S3 path makes the logs easier to read and cheaper to store.
  • Using it during bronze S3 object creation ensures consistent naming.

A typical S3 path has the schema s3://bucket/prefix/object.suffix, from which I want object.

This function is a remake of the raw script’s Get Filename function. This time, the source string is an S3 path instead of an API endpoint:

def get_objectname_from_s3_path(path: str) -> str:
Gets object name from S3 path.
RETURNS: Object name, or a blank string upon exception
# Get name from endpoint
name_full = path.rsplit('/')[-1]
# Get final period instance
name_full_last_period_index = name_full.rfind('.')
# Extract string before final underscore
name_partial = name_full[:name_full_last_period_index]
return name_partial
except Exception as e:
return ""

I define a get_objectname_from_s3_path function, which expects a path argument with a string type hint and returns a new string.

Firstly, my name_full variable uses the rsplit method to capture the substring I need, using forward slashes as separators. This converts s3://bucket/prefix/object.suffix to object.suffix.

Next, my name_full_last_period_index variable uses the rfind method to find the last occurrence of the period character in the name_full string.

Finally, my name_partial variable uses slicing to extract a substring from the beginning of the name_full string up to (but not including) the index specified by name_full_last_period_index. This converts object.suffix to object.

If the function cannot return a string, an exception is logged and a blank string is returned instead.

Get Data Function

Next, I want to read data from an S3 JSON object in my Raw bucket and store it in a pandas DataFrame.

def get_data_from_s3_object(boto3_session: BaseClient, s3_object: str, name: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get data from S3 object
RETURNS Dataframe (populated or empty)
try:"Attempting to read {name} data at {s3_object}...")
df = wr.s3.read_json(path = s3_object,
boto3_session = boto3_session)
return df
except wr.exceptions.NoFilesFound as e:
logging.warning(f"No files found for {name} at {s3_object}: {e}")
return pd.DataFrame()
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
logging.error(f"{name} data S3 read failed: {e}")
return pd.DataFrame()

Here, I define a get_data_from_s3_object function that returns a pandas DataFrame and expects three arguments:

  • boto3_session: the authenticated session to use with a BaseClient type hint.
  • s3_object: the S3 object path with a string type hint.
  • name: the S3 object name with a string type hint (used for logging).

This function uses AWS SDK For pandas s3.read_json to read the data from the S3 object path using the existing boto3_session authentication.

If data is found then get_data_from_s3_object returns a populated DataFrame. Otherwise, an empty DataFrame is returned instead.

Put Data Function

Finally, I want to convert the DataFrame to Parquet and store it in my bronze S3 bucket.

def put_s3_parquet_object(df: pd.DataFrame, name: str, s3_object_bronze: str, session: BaseClient) -> bool:
Uploads pandas DataFrame to S3 as Parquet.
RETURNS True or False depending on outcome
try:"Attempting to put {name} data in {s3_object_bronze}...")
wr.s3.to_parquet(df = df, path = s3_object_bronze, boto3_session = session)"{name} data S3 upload successful.")
return True
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
logging.error(f"{name} data S3 upload failed: {e}")
return False

I define a put_s3_parquet_object function that expects four arguments:

  • df: the pandas DataFrame containing the raw data.
  • name: the S3 object name.
  • s3_object_bronze: the S3 path for the new bronze object
  • session: the authenticated boto3 session to use.

I give string type hints to the name and s3_object_bronze parameters. session gets the same BaseClient hint as before, and df is identified as a pandas DataFrame.

I open a try except block that uses s3.to_parquet with the existing boto3_session to upload the DataFrame data to S3 as a Parquet object. If this operation succeeds, the function returns True. If it fails, a botocore exception is logged and the function returns False.

Imports & Variables

The bronze script has two new imports to examine: awswrangler and pandas:

import logging
import boto3
import botocore
import awswrangler as wr
import pandas as pd
from botocore.client import BaseClient

I’ve used both before. Here, pandas handles my in-memory data storage and awswrangler handles my S3 interactions.

There are also parameter changes. I’ve added Parameter Store names for both the bronze S3 bucket and the SNS topic. I’ve kept the raw S3 bucket parameter as awswrangler needs it for the get_data_from_s3_object function.

parametername_s3bucket_raw: str = '/s3/lakehouse/name/raw'
parametername_s3bucket_bronze: str = '/s3/lakehouse/name/bronze'
parametername_snstopic: str = '/sns/data/lakehouse/bronze'

I’ve also swapped out _raw for _bronze in function_name, and renamed the counters from endpoint_count to object_count to reflect their new function:

    # Lambda name for messages
    data_source: str = 'wordpress_api'
    function_name: str = f'data_{data_source}_bronze'

    # Counters
    object_count_all: int = 0
    object_count_failure: int = 0
    object_count_success: int = 0

Script Body

Most of the bronze script is reused from the raw script. Tasks like logging config, name parsing and validation checks only needed the updated parameters! There are some changes though, as S3 is now my data source and I’m also doing additional tasks.

Firstly, I need to get the raw S3 objects. The AWS SDK For pandas S3 class has a list_objects function which is purpose-built for this:

s3_objects_raw = wr.s3.list_objects(
      path = f's3://{s3_bucket_raw}/{data_source}',
      suffix = 'json',
      boto3_session = session)
  • path is the S3 location to list – in this case the raw S3 bucket’s wordpress_api prefix.
  • suffix filters the list by the specified suffix.
  • boto3_session specifies my existing boto3_session to prevent unnecessary re-authentication.

During the loop, my script checks if the pandas DataFrame returned from get_data_from_s3_object contains data. If it’s empty then the loop ends, otherwise the column and row counts are logged:

if df.empty:
  logging.warning(f"{object_name} DataFrame is empty!")
  endpoint_count_failure += 1
  continue'{object_name} DataFrame has {len(df.columns)} columns and {len(df)} rows.')

Assuming all checks succeed, I want to put a new Parquet object into my bronze S3 bucket. AWS SDK For pandas has an s3.to_parquet function that does this using a pandas DataFrame and an S3 path.

I already have the DataFrame so let’s make the path. This is done by the s3_object_bronze parameter, which joins existing parameters with additional characters. This is then passed to put_s3_parquet_object:

s3_object_bronze = f's3://{s3_bucket_bronze}/{data_source}/{object_name}/{object_name}.parquet'"Attempting {object_name} S3 Bronze upload...")
ok = put_s3_parquet_object(df, object_name, s3_object_bronze, session)

That’s the bronze script done. Now to deploy it to AWS Lambda.


In this section, I configure and deploy my Bronze Lambda function.

Hitting Size Limits

So, remember when I said that I expected my future Lambda deployments to improve? Well, this was the result of my retrying the virtual environment deployment process the Raw Lambda used:

2024 03 08 LambdaError

While my zipped raw function is 19.1 MB, my zipped bronze function is over five times bigger at 101.6 MB! My poorly optimised package wouldn’t cut it this time, so I prepared for some pruning. Until I discovered something…

Using A Layer

There’s a managed AWS SDK for pandas Lambda layer!

2024 03 05 LayerAWSSDKPandas

It can be selected in the Lambda console or programmatically called from this list of AWS SDK for pandas Managed Layer ARNs, which covers:

  • All AWS commercial regions.
  • All Python versions currently supported by Lambda (currently 3.8+)
  • Both Lambda architectures.

Additionally, the Lambda Python 3.12 runtime includes boto3 and botocore. So by using this runtime and the managed layer, I’ve gone from a large deployment package to no deployment package! And because my function is now basically just code, I can view and edit that code in the Lambda console directly.

Lambda Config

My Bronze Lambda function borrows several config settings from the raw one, including:

Where it differs is the IAM setup. I needed additional permissions anyway because this function is reading from two S3 buckets now, but by the time I was done the policy was hard to read, maintain and troubleshoot:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

So let’s refactor it! The below policy has the same actions, grouped by service and with appropriately named Sids:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CloudWatchLogGroupActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "CloudWatchLogStreamActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "S3BucketActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "S3ObjectActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "SNSActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "ParameterStoreActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Much better! This policy is now far easier to read and update.

There’s also a clear distinction between the bucket-level s3:ListBucket operation and the object-level s3:PutObject and s3:GetObject operations now. Getting these wrong can have big consequences, so the clearer the better!

One deployment and test later, and I have some new S3 objects!

[INFO]: WordPress API Bronze process complete: 5 Successful | 0 Failed.

REPORT RequestId: 899d1658-f7de-4e74-8d64-b4f029fe2bec	Duration: 7108.50 ms	Billed Duration: 7109 ms	Memory Size: 250 MB	Max Memory Used: 250 MB	Init Duration: 4747.38 ms

So now I have two Lambda functions with some requirements around them:

  • They need to run sequentially.
  • The Raw Lambda must finish before the Bronze Lambda starts.
  • If the Raw Lambda fails then the Bronze Lambda shouldn’t run at all.

Now that AWS Lambda is creating WordPress raw and bronze objects, it’s time to start thinking about orchestration!

Step Functions & EventBridge

In this section, I create both an AWS Step Functions State Machine and an Amazon EventBridge Schedule for my WordPress bronze orchestration process.

State Machine Requirements

Before writing any code, let’s outline the steps I need the state machine to perform:

  1. data_wordpressapi_raw Lambda function is invoked. If it succeeds then move to the next step. If it fails then send a notification and end the workflow reporting failure.
  2. data_wordpressapi_bronze Lambda function is invoked. If it succeeds then end the workflow reporting success. If it fails then send a notification and end the workflow reporting failure.

With the states defined, it’s time to create the state machine.

State Machine Creation

The following state machine was created using Step Functions Workflow Studio – a low-code visual designer released in 2021, with drag-and-drop functionality that auto-generates code in real-time:

Workflow Studio produced this section’s code and diagrams.

Firstly I create a data_wordpressapi_raw task state to invoke my Raw Lambda. This task uses the lambda:invoke action to invoke my data_wordpressapi_raw function. I set the next state as data_wordpressapi_bronze and add a Catch block that sends all errors to a PublishFailure state (which I’ll define later):

    "data_wordpressapi_raw": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
      "Parameters": {
        "Payload.$": "$",
        "FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:REDACTED:function:data_wordpressapi_raw:$LATEST"
      "Next": "data_wordpressapi_bronze",
      "Catch": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "ResultPath": "$.Error",
          "Next": "PublishFailure"
      "TimeoutSeconds": 120

Note the TimeoutSeconds parameter. All my task states will have 120-second timeouts. These stop the state machine from waiting indefinitely if the task becomes unresponsive, and are recommended best practice. Also note that state machines wait for Lambda invocations to finish by default, so no additional config is needed for this.

Next, I create a data_wordpressapi_bronze task state to invoke my Bronze Lambda. This task uses the lambda:invoke action to invoke my data_wordpressapi_bronze function. I then add a Catch block that sends all errors to a PublishFailure state.

Finally, "End": true designates this state as a terminal state which ends the execution if the task is successful:

    "data_wordpressapi_bronze": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
      "Parameters": {
        "Payload.$": "$",
        "FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:973122011240:function:data_wordpressapi_bronze:$LATEST"
      "Catch": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "ResultPath": "$.Error",
          "Next": "PublishFailure"
      "TimeoutSeconds": 120,
      "End": true

Finally, I create a PublishFailure task state that publishes failure notifications. This task uses the sns:Publish action to publish a simple message to the failure-stepfunction SNS Topic ARN. "End": true marks this task as the other potential way the state machine execution can end:

    "PublishFailure": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sns:publish",
      "Parameters": {
        "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:REDACTED:failure-stepfunction",
        "Message": "An error occurred in the state machine: { \"error\": \"$.Error\" }"
      "End": true,
      "TimeoutSeconds": 120

While both Lambdas already have SNS alerting, the state machine itself may also fail so the added observability is justified. This Marcia Villalba video was very helpful here:

And that’s everything I need! At this point Wordflow Studio gives me two things – firstly the state machine’s code, which I’ve committed to GitHub. And secondly this handy downloadable diagram:

stepfunctions graph

State Machine Config

It’s now time to think about security and monitoring.

When new state machines are created in the AWS Step Functions console, an IAM Role is created with policies based on the state machine’s resources. The nuances and templates are covered in the Step Functions Developer Guide, so let’s examine my WordPress_Raw_To_Bronze state machine’s auto-generated IAM Role consisting of two policies:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

This supports the AWS X-Ray integration with AWS Step Functions. If X-Ray trancing is never enabled then this policy is unused.

Besides X-Ray tracing, there is also an option to log a state machine’s execution history to CloudWatch Logs. There are three log levels available plus a fourth default choice: OFF. Each state machine retains recent execution history and I’ve got no need to keep that history long-term, so I leave the log retention disabled. Remember – CloudWatch Logs is only free for the first 5GB!

State Machine Testing

There are various ways to test a state machine. There’s a testing and debugging section in the developer guide that goes into further details, the three main options being:

I’ll focus on console testing here.

Both individual states and the entire state machine can be tested in the console. Each state can be tested in isolation (using the TestState API under the hood) with customisable inputs and IAM roles. This is great for checking the state outputs are correct, and that the attached IAM role is sufficient.

The state machine itself can also be tested via on-demand execution. The Execution Details page shows the state machine’s statistics and events, and has great coverage in the developer guide.

During testing, my WordPress_Raw_To_Bronze state machine returned this error:

States.Runtime in step: data_wordpressapi_bronze.

An error occurred while executing the state 'data_wordpressapi_bronze' (entered at the event id #7). Unable to apply Path transformation to null or empty input.

This turned out to be a problem with the OutputPath parameter, which Wordflow Studio enables by default:

2024 03 04 StepFunctionsOutPutPath

I’m not using this setting for anything, so I disabled it to solve this problem.

Eventbridge Schedule

Finally, I want to automate the execution of my state machine. This calls for an EventBridge Schedule!

EventBridge makes this quite simple, using mostly the same process as last time. The Step Functions StartExecution operation is a templated target like Lambda’s Invoke operation, so it’s a case of selecting the WordPress_Raw_To_Bronze state machine from the list and updating the schedule’s IAM role accordingly.

And that’s it! EventBridge now executes the state machine at 07:00 each morning. The state machine then sequentially invokes both Lambda functions and catches any errors.


In this section, I’ll examine my recent AWS WordPress bronze orchestration process costs.

Let’s start with Step Functions. There are two kinds of Step Function workflow:

  • Standard workflows are charged based on the number of state transitions. These are counted each time a workflow step is executed. The first 4000 transitions each month are free. After that, every 1000 transitions cost $0.025.
  • Express workflows are priced by the number of executions, duration, and memory consumption. The specifics of these criteria, coupled with full details of all charges are on the Step Functions pricing page.

I’m using standard workflows, and as of 26 March I’ve used 118 state transitions. In other words, free! Elsewhere, my costs are broadly on par with previous months. These are my S3 costs from 2024-02-01 to 2024-03-26:

S3 ActionsMonthUsageCost
PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests2024-0264,1960.32
PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests2024-0317,5660.09
GET and all other requests2024-02101,4620.04
GET and all other requests2024-038,6560.00
GB month of storage used2024-020.1090.00
GB month of storage used2024-030.1610.00

And this is my recent free tier usage from 2024-02-01 to 2024-03-26:

EventBridge2024-0231 Invocations
EventBridge2024-0325 Invocations
Lambda2024-02122.563 Second Compute
Lambda2024-0284 Requests
Lambda2024-0382.376 Second Compute
Lambda2024-0358 Requests
Parameter Store2024-0234 API Requests
Parameter Store2024-0325 API Requests
SNS2024-028 Email-JSON Notifications
SNS2024-02438 API Requests
SNS2024-033 Email-JSON Notifications
SNS2024-03205 API Requests

So my only costs are still for storage.


The following items have been checked into the amazonwebshark GitHub repo for the AWS WordPress bronze orchestration process, available via the button below:

  • Updated data_wordpressapi_raw Python script & requirements.txt file.
  • New data_wordpressapi_bronze Python script & requirements.txt file.
  • WordPress_Raw_To_Bronze state machine JSON.


In this post, I created my WordPress pipeline’s bronze data orchestration process using AWS Lambda layers and AWS Step Functions.

I’ve wanted to try Step Functions out for a while, and all things considered they’re great! Workflow Studio is easy to use, and the templates and tutorials undoubtedly highlight the value that Step Functions can bring.

Additionally, the integration with both EventBridge Scheduler and other AWS services makes Step Functions a compelling orchestration service for both my ongoing WordPress bronze work and the future projects in my pipeline. This combined with some extra Lambda layers will reduce my future dev and test time.

If this post has been useful then the button below has links for contact, socials, projects and sessions:

SharkLinkButton 1

Thanks for reading ~~^~~