Data & Analytics

Gold Layer PySpark ETL With AWS Glue Studio

In this post, I create my WordPress data pipeline’s Gold ETL process using PySpark and the AWS Glue Studio visual interface.

Table of Contents


Time to finish my WordPress AWS data pipeline! Here it is so far:

AWS Cloud
AWS Cloud
AWS Step Functions workflow
AWS Step Functions workflow
AWS Lambda Raw Function
AWS Lambda Ra…
AWS Lambda Bronze Function
AWS Lambda Br…
AWS Glue
Bronze Crawler
AWS Glue…
AWS Glue
Silver ETL Job
AWS Glue…
CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Lo…
Text is not SVG – cannot display

In which;

In the Medallion Lakehouse Architecture, this covers both the Bronze and Silver layers that handle raw and processed data respectively. Now I’ll start aggregating my WordPress data for reporting and analytics. For this, I’ll use AWS Glue Studio.

Firstly, I’ll explore Glue Studio and its features. Next, I’ll architect and build an ETL job using Glue Studio’s visual editor while examining some of Glue’s behaviours. Finally, I’ll update my WordPress Data Pipeline Step Functions workflow and examine costs.

Let’s begin with Glue Studio.

AWS Glue Studio

This section introduces Glue Studio and examines Apache Spark.

AWS Glue Studio

AWS Glue Studio is a serverless tool designed for data-centric tasks like automating data preparation, orchestrating data quality checks and creating ETL jobs. It integrates with other AWS services, and also interacts with data from sources like RDS, Redshift and S3. It is ideal for simplifying data transformation and integration processes. The AWS documentation contains full details of Glue Studio’s features.

Under the hood, Glue Studio uses PySpark, the Python API for Apache Spark. Workflows can be created both as code and via Glue Studio’s visual interface. Glue Studio supports Git version control systems for change management, and integrates several observability tools including AWS IAM for security and Amazon CloudWatch for logging. Additionally, Glue also has its own monitoring and orchestration tools.

But wait – Spark? PySpark? What?!

Apache Spark

Apache Spark is an open-source framework designed to process large-scale data quickly. Spark enables distributed computing, allowing tasks to be performed across multiple machines for faster and more efficient data processing. It has existed since 2014.

Known for its speed, Spark processes data in memory, significantly reducing the need for slower disk operations associated with older systems. Spark is commonly used for big data analytics, machine learning and real-time data processing in industries that handle massive datasets.


PySpark is a Python interface for Apache Spark. It allows operations to be distributed across clusters of machines while maintaining the accessibility and ease of Python. PySpark’s combination of Python’s simplicity and Spark’s power makes it a practical, accessible solution for handling extensive datasets in a fast and scalable way.

Glue Studio’s visual interface automatically writes PySpark code in real time. For example, this boilerplate Python script is created with each new Glue PySpark job:

import sys
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job

args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ["JOB_NAME"])
sc = SparkContext()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)
job.init(args["JOB_NAME"], args)

For those curious, this DataEng video provides a technical explanation of each import:

So that’s the basics of AWS Glue Studio. Now let’s see what the solution looks like.


This section examines my proposed solution’s architecture. Much of this architecture is similar to both the Bronze and Silver layers. I’ll examine the new Gold Glue PySpark ELT job first, followed by the updated WordPress data pipeline Step Function workflow.

Glue Gold ETL Job

Firstly, this is the Gold Glue PySpark ETL job:

While updating CloudWatch Logs throughout:

  1. Gold Glue ETL job extracts data from wordpress-api Silver S3 objects and then performs PySpark transformations.
  2. Gold Glue PySpark ETL job loads the transformed data into Gold S3 bucket as Parquet objects.

Step Function Workflow

Next, the updated Step Function workflow:

While updating the workflow’s CloudWatch Log Group throughout:

  1. An EventBridge Schedule executes the Step Functions workflow. Lambda Raw function is invoked.
    • Invocation Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Invocation Succeeds: Invoke Lambda Bronze function.
  2. Lambda Bronze function is invoked.
    • Invocation Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Invocation Succeeds: Run Glue Bronze Crawler.
  3. Glue Bronze Crawler runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Update Glue Data Catalog. Run Glue Silver ETL job.
  4. Glue Silver ETL job runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Run Glue Silver Data Quality Checks.
  5. Glue Silver Data Quality Checks run.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Run Glue Silver Crawler.
  6. Glue Silver Crawler runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Update Glue Data Catalog. Run Glue Gold ETL job.
  7. Glue Gold PySpark ETL job runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Run Glue Gold Crawler.
  8. Glue Gold Crawler runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow then ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Update Glue Data Catalog. Workflow then ends.

Additionally, an SNS message is published if the Step Functions workflow fails.

Gold ETL Job

In this section, I create my Gold Glue PySpark ETL job. Firstly, I’ll define the job’s requirements. Next, I’ll build the job in Glue Studio, and finally I’ll examine Glue’s inbuilt monitoring.


Let’s begin by understanding the Gold Layer. Databricks defines it as curated, business-level data:

Data in the Gold layer of the lakehouse is typically organised in consumption-ready “project-specific” databases. The Gold layer is for reporting and uses more de-normalised and read-optimised data models with fewer joins. The final layer of data transformations and data quality rules are applied here.

The concept of a gold layer is nothing new. Other names include aggregated, enriched and consumption layers. The idea is the same in all cases – producing refined and aggregated datasets that are easily consumable by analytics tools, machine learning models and production applications.

This Gold ETL job will produce an aggregation of both the posts and statistics_pages Silver datasets. The Gold dataset will contain view statistics and post creation data, limited to blog posts.

This will involve:

  • Joining the Silver datasets.
  • Removing unneeded columns to reduce the Gold dataset’s size.
  • Renaming columns to improve the Gold dataset’s legibility.
  • Filtering the Gold dataset to remove unneeded data.

So let’s get started!

Job Creation

This section splits the Gold Glue PySpark ETL job creation process into separate steps for each part.


Firstly, let’s define the data sources. There are two sources, both of which are folders in the data-lakehouse-silver S3 bucket:

  • wordpress_api/posts/
  • wordpress_api/statistics_pages/

Each source needs a separate node specifying the S3 path and data format. This example shows the Silver posts dataset, where the wordpress_api/posts/ S3 path is selected:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioNodeSource

Finally, this is the Source node’s PySpark code for both posts and statistics_pages:

# Script generated for node S3 Silver statistics_pages
S3Silverstatistics_pages_node1724058965930 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
    "paths": ["s3://data-lakehouse-silver/wordpress_api/statistics_pages/"], 
    "recurse": True

# Script generated for node S3 Silver posts
S3Silverposts_node1724058915313 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
    "paths": ["s3://data-lakehouse-silver/wordpress_api/posts/"], 
    "recurse": True

Join Transformation

From AWS:

The Join transform allows you to combine two datasets into one. You specify the key names in the schema of each dataset to compare.

This node essentially creates a SQL join using columns from the selected sources. Here, I’ve inner joined posts.ID to statistics_pages.ID:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioNodeJoin

Rows from the Silver datasets that match the join condition are merged into a new row in an output DynamicFrame that will ultimately become the Gold dataset. This frame includes all columns from both Silver datasets.

The ETL visual now shows two source nodes linked to the Join node:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioDAGSourceJoin

Finally, this is the Join node’s PySpark code:

# Script generated for node Join
Join_node1724059035756 = Join.apply(

Change Schema Transformation

Now it’s time to do some cleaning!

From AWS:

Change Schema transform remaps the source data property keys into the desired configured for the target data. In a Change Schema transform node, you can:

  • Change the name of multiple data property keys.
  • Change the data type of the data property keys, if the new data type is supported and there is a transformation path between the two data types.
  • Choose a subset of data property keys by indicating which data property keys you want to drop.

Firstly, I set the Join node as the Change Schema node’s parent to update the ETL visual:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioDAGJoinSchema

Following the join, the Gold dataset can be simplified and optimised. Here’s an example of what the Change Schema node looks like in action:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioNodeSchema


  • Source Key shows the current column name.
  • Target Key handles column name changes.
  • Data Type sets the data type.
  • Ticking a Drop box removes that column from the output DynamicFrame

I’ve listed my changes below. Bold items appear in the example.

Firstly, these columns are dropped due to duplication or redundancy:


  • posts.post_modified
  • post_modified_day
  • post_modified_month
  • post_modified_todate
  • post_modified_year


  • date_todate
  • id
  • type
  • uri

Additionally, these columns are renamed to add context:


  • post_date_todate to post_date


  • page_id to statistics_id
  • date to statistics_date
  • date_year to statistics_date_year
  • date_month to statistics_date_month
  • date_day to statistics_date_day

Finally, this is the Change Schema node’s PySpark code:

# Script generated for node Change Schema
ChangeSchema_node1724059144495 = ApplyMapping.apply(
    ("ID", "bigint", "post_ID", "long"), 
    ("post_title", "string", "post_title", "string"), 
    ("post_status", "string", "post_status", "string"), 
    ("post_parent", "bigint", "post_parent", "long"), 
    ("post_type", "string", "post_type", "string"), 
    ("post_date_todate", "timestamp", "post_date", "timestamp"), 
    ("post_date_year", "bigint", "post_date_year", "long"), 
    ("post_date_month", "bigint", "post_date_month", "long"), 
    ("post_date_day", "bigint", "post_date_day", "long"), 
    ("page_id", "bigint", "statistics_id", "long"), 
    ("date", "timestamp", "statistics_date", "timestamp"), 
    ("count", "bigint", "statistics_count", "long"), 
    ("date_year", "bigint", "statistics_date_year", "long"), 
    ("date_month", "bigint", "statistics_date_month", "long"), 
    ("date_day", "bigint", "statistics_date_day", "long")

Filter Transformation

The joined, cleaned dataset contains data about all amazonwebshark content. I only want the posts data, so next I’ll filter everything else out.

From AWS:

Use the Filter transform to create a new dataset by filtering records from the input dataset based on a regular expression. Rows that don’t satisfy the filter condition are removed from the output.

Firstly, I set the Change Schema node as the Filter node’s parent to update the ETL visual:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioDAGSchemaFilter

Next, I set the filter conditions. I only need one condition here – keep all dataset rows where post_type matches post:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioNodeFilter

Finally, this is the Filter node’s PySpark code:

# Script generated for node Filter
Filter_node1724060106174 = Filter.apply(
  f=lambda row: (bool(re.match("post", row["post_type"]))),


Finally, I must choose a target location for my Gold dataset.

Target uses the same interface as the Source node. This time, a Gold S3 bucket folder path wordpress_api/statistics_postname/ is specified. Everything else is the same as Source. The Target node offers significant versatility, detailed in the AWS target node documentation.

In summary, this is the Target node’s PySpark code:

# Script generated for node S3 Gold
S3Gold_node1724060393283 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(
    "path": "s3://data-lakehouse-gold/wordpress_api/statistics_postname/", 
    "partitionKeys": []
 format_options={"compression": "snappy"}, 

And here’s the full ETL visual:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioDAGFinal

The full Glue job PySpark script is available in this post’s GitHub repo.

Job Properties

Next, I’ll examine some of my Glue job’s properties. This section only covers some key properties as there are loads. For a fuller view, please review the AWS Job Property documentation.

Additional properties like bookmarks, quality checks, scheduling and version control are also available. I’ve written about quality checks before, and the other properties could all be posts in themselves. For now, let’s move on to execution.

Job Execution

Each PySpark Glue job has several logging sources that are aggregated into the job’s Run tab. The summary shows properties including job status, durations and DPU capacity:

2024 10 25 AWSGlueStudioRunsLowerDetails

Each job can then be viewed in further detail, with insights including:

These resources are increasingly useful as Glue jobs scale. They show resource utilisation, query plans and node configuration which is essential when optimising and troubleshooting big data processes.

Ok, so my job is configured and running successfully. Now let’s review the outputs.

Glue Outputs & Behaviours

This section examines the outputs of my Gold Glue PySpark ETL job and the behaviours influencing them.

For clarity, this is not a case of finding and fixing errors. Rather, this is an exploration of how a Glue PySpark job’s output can differ from expectations. Coming in, I was more familiar with using pandas for ETL and initially found these behaviours confusing. So I wrote this section with that in mind, as it may help others in similar positions down the road.

Firstly I’ll demonstrate a behaviour. Next, I’ll explain why it happens. Finally, I’ll examine if it can be changed. Although, just because something can be done doesn’t mean that it should be.

Run 1: Multiple Objects

Previously, the Bronze and Silver layers ultimately produced single objects for each dataset. Conversely, my Gold PySpark job creates four objects with the same RunID:

2024 10 29 TestingObjectsFour

Ok – that’s unexpected. What’s more, if I run the job again then I get another four files with a new RunID. So that’s eight in total:

2024 10 29 TestingObjectsEight

There’s two behaviours here that differ from the previous layers:

  • Each run produces multiple objects instead of one.
  • Each run creates new objects instead of replacing existing ones.

Let’s examine the multiple objects first.

What’s Happening?

This occurs due to data partitioning.

As mentioned earlier, AWS Glue uses Apache Spark. Spark enables distributed computing by breaking down data into smaller parts. The presence of multiple objects is a direct outcome of this partitioning approach, offering benefits such as:

  • Parallel Processing: With data spread across multiple files, Spark workers can access different parts of the dataset simultaneously instead of fighting for a single object. This approach balances the workload and accelerates both read and write operations.
  • Fault Tolerance: If a write operation fails, only the impacted object needs reprocessing rather than the entire dataset. This design enhances resilience and reduces the risk of complete data loss.
  • Memory Management: Each Spark worker processes only its assigned data partition rather than the full dataset. This improves data loading efficiency and helps prevent memory exhaustion.

Can I Change It?

I couldn’t find a way to change this behaviour within Glue Studio. Glue is very capable of deriving partitions, so this isn’t surprising.

While it can be done, this involves manually changing the autogenerated PySpark script. Glue allows this at the cost of disabling the job’s visual design features:

Unlocking the job script will convert your job from visual mode to script-only mode. This action cannot be undone. To keep a copy of the visual-mode job, clone the job on the Jobs page of Glue Studio.

The change itself uses the coalesce method of Glue’s DynamicFrame class to control the number of partitions. This involves:

  • An additional import:
from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
  • Converting the dynamic frame to a Spark DataFrame using coalesce(n). Here, coalesce(1) forces the output into a single object:
single_file_df = Filter_node1724060106174.toDF().coalesce(1)
single_file_dyf = DynamicFrame.fromDF(single_file_df, glueContext, "single_file_dyf")

The Glue job now produces a single Parquet object.

This should be used with care. Too many partitions can reduce response times by requiring more reads than necessary. Too few can hinder Spark’s workload distribution abilities. Here, having one object cripples it completely thus removing a key Spark benefit.

Run 2: Objects Not Replaced

Ok, let’s keep coalesce(1) in place because it makes this example easier. Running this job variant creates a single object:

2024 10 29 TestingObjectsOne

Running it again produces a second object with a new RunID:

2024 10 29 TestingObjectsTwo

Why isn’t the first object being replaced?

What’s Happening?

There are good reasons for this. Here’s why a replace function isn’t built in:

  • Spark Architecture: Spark processes data in parallel, with each task running separately. With this setup, replacing a single piece of data in an object is challenging. So instead, Spark jobs either create entirely new objects or replace data partitions.
  • S3 Architecture: S3 stores data as objects rather than files, so it doesn’t have folder-level replacements like a typical file system. When S3 ‘replaces’ an object, it actually creates a new version of the object with the same name and removes the old one.
  • Data Management Features: Writing new objects for each job run enables features like versioning, time travel and incremental processing with formats like Apache Iceberg and Delta Lake. It also avoids issues like access conflicts and deadlocks, since existing data remains unchanged while new data is written.

Can I Change It?

So…yes. Creating a boto3 S3 client and running a conditional delete during the job would achieve the desired effect:

# Define S3 bucket and prefix for output path
output_bucket = "data-lakehouse-gold"
output_prefix = "wordpress_api/statistics_postname/"

# Initialize S3 client and clear existing objects in the output path
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
response = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=output_bucket, Prefix=output_prefix)

# Check if there are any files and delete them
if 'Contents' in response:
    for obj in response['Contents']:
        s3.delete_object(Bucket=output_bucket, Key=obj['Key'])

But, at this point, is this really a Spark use case anymore? For an ETL job requiring object replacement, I would initially lean towards using a Glue Python Shell job or the AWS SDK for pandas Lambda layer because:

  • Fewer cloud resources would be used, making the job cheaper than a PySpark job.
  • Fewer Python imports would be needed, reducing the script size and dependencies.
  • With appropriate settings, Lambda may run the script faster than Glue.

Suitability should always be a key consideration with cloud architectures. Taking time to choose the right service saves a lot of headaches later on.

Step Functions Update

This section integrates the Gold resources into my existing WordPress Data Pipeline Step Function workflow.

The Gold workflow update is similar to the Silver one. Firstly, I need a new Glue: StartJobRun action running the Gold Glue PySpark ETL job:

  "JobName": "WordPress_Gold_statisticspagespostsjoin"

Also, a new Glue: StartCrawler action running the Gold crawler:

  "Name": "wordpress-gold"

Here is how my Step Function workflow looks with these changes:

stepfunctions graph

The workflow’s IAM role needs new allow permissions too. Firstly, glue:StartJobRun and glue:GetJobRun on the WordPress_Gold_statisticspagespostsjoin Glue job:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [
				"arn:aws:glue:eu-west-1: REDACTED:job/WordPress_Gold_statisticspagespostsjoin"

(glue:GetJobRun lets the workflow check the job’s progress – Ed)

Next, glue:StartCrawler on the wordpress-gold crawler:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [

With these permissions, the workflow executes successfully:

2024 10 29 StepFunctionResultsGraph

I can get further details from the workflow’s Table view. This includes task durations, resource log links and a visual timeline of each state:

2024 10 29 StepFunctionResultsTable

Further Step Functions console details are in this 2022 Ben Smith AWS post.

Cost Analysis

This section examines my costs for the updated Step Function workflow.

Here, my Cost Explorer chart runs from 04 November to 14 November. It is grouped by API Operation and excludes tax.

2024 11 15 CostsGold

My main costs are from Glue’s Jobrun and CrawlerRun operations. Each ruleset now costs around $0.17 a day to run. This has increased from last time’s $0.09, but that’s to be expected as I’m running two Glue jobs now.

My crawlers now cost $0.06 a day, averaging $0.02 for each of the Bronze, Silver and Gold crawlers. The purple blip is for Glue Interactive Sessions – I have something coming up on those. Beyond that, I’m paying for some S3 PutObject calls and everything else is within the free tier.

Note that on Nov 06, it….broke. A failed call to the WordPress API brought the whole workflow down:

stepfunctions graph error

This proves my error handling works though! A forced stop and graceful failure is preferable to having data in an unknown state, especially in a production environment!


In this post, I created my WordPress data pipeline’s Gold ETL process using PySpark and the AWS Glue Studio visual interface.

I found Glue Studio to be highly user-friendly. It enhances job observability with comprehensive monitoring tools, and makes PySpark script creation significantly easier through its visual editor. Additionally, it integrates smoothly with other Glue features and the broader AWS ecosystem, offering extensive and intuitive customisation options.

This wraps up the WordPress AWS Data Pipeline project. This series aimed to demonstrate how different AWS services can work together to build efficient and cost-effective data pipelines. Through it, I’ve gained new insights and have several fresh ideas to explore!

If this post has been useful then the button below has links for contact, socials, projects and sessions:

SharkLinkButton 1

Thanks for reading ~~^~~

Data & Analytics

Silver Layer Python ETL With The AWS Glue ETL Job Script Editor

In this post, I create my WordPress data pipeline’s Silver ETL process using Python and the AWS Glue ETL Job Script Editor.

Table of Contents


Last time I worked on my WordPress AWS data pipeline, I produced my Bronze layer data and created a Glue Crawler to derive the schema of the Bronze S3 objects. It’s now time to start cleaning that data to prepare it for reporting, aggregation and consumption.

I’m also currently studying for the AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate certification. While revising for this I learned the capabilities of the AWS Glue ETL Job Script Editor, and it seemed an ideal fit for my Silver ETL process. So I decided to make a post out of it and see how things went!

Firstly, I’ll examine the AWS Glue ETL Job Script Editor and how it will benefit my Silver ETL process. Then I’ll define the architecture of the Silver ETL job and how it fits into the existing data pipeline. Next, I’ll script and test the job. Finally, I’ll integrate it into the pipeline and explore the job’s costs.

Glue ETL Job Script Editor

This section examines the AWS Glue ETL Script Editor and Python Shell and considers some of Python Shell’s benefits and limitations.

Script Editor & Python Shell

Script Editor is a feature of AWS Glue. It offers serverless Spark, Ray and Python shells, enabling data transformation, preparation and cleaning with no infrastructure management. Scripts can be both uploaded and created from scratch, and version control is configurable to several Git services.

This post focuses on AWS Glue Python Shell. Introduced in 2019, Python Shell jobs suit small to medium-sized tasks as part of an ETL workflow.

Python Shell Pros

This section examines some of Python Shell’s benefits.

Low Cost

Python Shell jobs are the cheapest of the Glue job types to run. Glue charges are based on data processing units (DPUs). A single standard DPU currently provides 4 vCPU and 16 GB of memory. While regular Glue ETL jobs using Apache Spark need at least 2 DPUs, Python Shell jobs default to using only 1/16 (or 0.0625) DPU!

This can also be extended to 1 DPU, resulting in faster completion times. Like AWS Lambda, charges accrue based on resource usage and duration. So increased resource allocation can potentially create further savings.

This section was correct as of August 2024 – the latest pricing data is on the AWS Glue pricing site.

Low Barrier To Entry

Python Shell jobs offer accessibility for those from a scripting background. When creating a new script in the console, users only need to choose the engine (in this case Python) and whether the script is being uploaded or created fresh. And that’s it! No configuring interpreters, environments or dependencies.

Python Shell jobs also integrate with other AWS services. They can easily connect to data sources like S3, RDS and DynamoDB. They can be automated with Glue Workflows and Triggers. IAM can also control access to both the Python Shell job and the AWS services it interacts with.

Included Python Libraries

AWS Glue Python Shell includes a variety of built-in Python libraries that are useful for ETL tasks. These libraries cover a range of functionalities such as data processing, machine learning, and interacting with AWS services.

They include:

This AWS post has a full table of included libraries and their versions. Additional libraries can be installed and imported using PIP.

Some people will quickly see issues with this list though…

Python Shell Cons

This section examines some of Python Shell’s limitations.

Outdated Python Versions & Libraries

While the included libraries are welcome, they are also quite outdated. For example, boto3‘s included version is 1.21.21 while the current version is 1.34.150. pandas is at 1.4.2 in the table and 2.2.2 online.

This is likely due to the supported Python versions – currently Python 3.6 and Python 3.9. Now, while Python 3.9 isn’t out of support until October 2025, it was released back in October 2020 and has had three major upgrades since. Worse, Python 3.6 ended life at Christmas 2021!

With the Data Engineer Associate certification drawing attention to various AWS data services, it’s a shame that this feature is so far behind. This would be a great modernisation tool for importing legacy Python scripts into Glue, but the last feature update was in 2022 and it’s really starting to lag behind now.

No Visual Editor

Yes I know it’s a script editor but hear me out.

Let’s briefly segue to AWS IAM. In the early days, updating IAM policies had the potential of losing afternoons to missing braces or errant commas. There was no native AWS validation tooling and the whole thing felt like a dark art for those less experienced.

Then AWS released an IAM visual policy editor. And things went from this:

2024 07 30 IAMPolicyJSON

To this!

2024 07 30 IAMPolicyDown

This transformed the IAM policy-writing process. The guesswork was gone – new policies could be written using dropdowns and checkboxes. And AWS would generate the same code each time, in the same way and to the same standard.

In today’s AWS console, IAM can be administrated both visually and as JSON. Updates made in the visual editor reflect in the code in real-time, and vice versa. And the IAM IDE immediately flags syntax issues, unclosed keypairs and whatnot.

This interface would work so well with Glue Script Editor. It would simplify and encourage using Script Editor, creating standardised code by default and reducing development time. No more syntax violations, verbose comments or missing dependencies – AWS could handle all that.

This doesn’t even need AI – it would just be procedural code generation. Something like selecting awswrangler from a dropdown list, then selecting an S3 location to read or write and a file type to expect. Or even a list of code snippets for the included libraries. These features could all lighten the dev load.

Limited IDE

Let’s consider AWS Lambda’s IDE:

2024 07 30 LambdaIDE

Its benefits include:

  • Code autocompletion
  • Integrated testing
  • Integrated monitoring

And tons of other user-focused functionality. Conversely, this is the Glue Script Editor IDE:

2024 07 30 GlueIDE


Now don’t get me wrong – I’m not asking for Lambda Lite. But something a bit more than Notepad would be nice. AWS are currently making a massive deal of Amazon CodeWhisperer and Amazon Q Developer‘s autocomplete actions, but here pandas isn’t even suggested when I type import pan. And it’s an included library!

The obvious solution is to just use Lambda. But Glue Script Editor offers a sweet spot where it runs custom Python while operating entirely within the AWS Glue service. This is helpful for features like Glue Triggers and Workflows that can’t currently trigger Lambda functions. It’s also helpful with AWS Organisations, where using Glue Script Editor for Python ETL can enable SCPs that entirely block access to AWS Lambda for data-centric accounts.

So Why Use It?

So are Glue Python Shell jobs worth considering with these limitations? Definately! There are several use cases favouring them:

  • Legacy ETL jobs that either can’t use recent Python versions and libraries, or simply don’t need them.
  • Simple, lightweight tasks that don’t require the more advanced (and expensive) features of Apache Spark or Ray.
  • Tasks that need to run quickly, as Python Shells have faster startup times than the Spark environments used by regular Glue ETL jobs.
  • Long-running ETL tasks unsuitable for AWS Lambda, as Python Shell jobs can run for up to 48 hours compared to Lambda’s 15 minutes. Thanks to Yan Cui‘s blog for that one!

For my requirements, a Python Shell job makes sense because I’m doing simple transformations on small volumes of data.


This section examines the architecture of my proposed solution. Much of this architecture is similar to the Bronze layer. I’ll examine the new Silver ELT job, followed by the updated data pipeline Step Function workflow.

Glue Silver ETL Job

Firstly, this is the Glue Silver ETL job:

Amazon S3
Bronze Bucket
Amazon S3…
Amazon S3
Silver Bucket
Amazon S3…
AWS Glue
Silver ETL Job
AWS Glue…
Amazon CloudWatch
Amazon CloudWatch…
AWS Cloud
AWS Cloud
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While updating CloudWatch Logs throughout:

  1. Silver Glue ETL job extracts data from wordpress-api Bronze S3 objects and performs Python transformations.
  2. Silver Glue ETL job loads the transformed data into Silver S3 bucket as Parquet objects.

Step Function Workflow

Next, the updated Step Function workflow:

AWS Cloud
AWS Cloud
AWS Step Functions workflow
AWS Step Functions workflow
AWS Lambda Raw Function
AWS Lambda Ra…
AWS Lambda Bronze Function
AWS Lambda Br…
AWS Glue
Bronze Crawler
AWS Glue…
AWS Glue
Silver ETL Job
AWS Glue…
CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Lo…
Text is not SVG – cannot display

While updating the workflow’s CloudWatch Log Group throughout:

  1. An EventBridge Schedule executes the Step Functions workflow.
  2. Raw Lambda function is invoked.
    • Invocation Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow ends.
    • Invocation Succeeds: Invoke Bronze Lambda function.
  3. Bronze Lambda function is invoked.
    • Invocation Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow ends.
    • Invocation Succeeds: Run Glue Crawler.
  4. Glue Crawler runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Update Glue Data Catalog. Run Glue Silver ETL job.
  5. Glue Silver ETL job runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Workflow ends.

An SNS message is published if the Step Functions workflow fails.

Silver ETL Job

In this section, I create the Silver ETL Python script for the AWS Glue Script Editor. Firstly I’ll define the script’s requirements. Next, I’ll translate them into Python code, and finally I’ll create the ETL script and upload it to Git.


Firstly, let’s define the requirements for this data pipeline layer. So what does a typical Silver ETL process involve?

Databricks defines the Silver layer as cleansed and conformed data:

In the Silver layer of the lakehouse, the data from the Bronze layer is matched, merged, conformed and cleansed (“just-enough”) so that the Silver layer can provide an “Enterprise view” of all its key business entities, concepts and transactions. (e.g. master customers, stores, non-duplicated transactions and cross-reference tables).

Because my data source is a WordPress MySQL database, most of the cleansing and conforming work I’d expect to do has already been done there! That said, there’s data that I definitely won’t need, as well as other transformations I can apply to help downstream reporting.

Some of the following transformations can be done at the SQL reporting level with date and string functions. However, these add repetitive load and complexity to queries, which can be avoided by some cleaning transformations. Roche’s Maxim of Data Transformation applies here:

Data should be transformed as far upstream as possible, and as far downstream as necessary.

The Silver layer transformations I’m doing here are:

Column Removal

Many columns are empty or unneeded, so now is the time to remove them. This will reduce the data held in the Silver objects, making them cheaper to store and faster to query.

My script uses the pandas.DataFrame.drop function to remove columns by specifying column names. Here, a term_order column is dropped from the DataFrame df:

df = df.drop(columns=['term_order'])

Date Splitting

Dates are tough to analyse and don’t aggregate well, as each date is effectively three different data points in one field. Splitting dates into years, months and days improves data bucketing, query granularity and time series analytics.

My script uses the pandas to_datetime function to convert scalar, array-like, Series or DataFrame/dict-like objects to pandas datetime objects.

Here, values in the date column of the DataFrame df are converted from strings to datetime objects and stored in a new date_todate column. Next, the year attribute of each date_todate column object is extracted and stored in a new date_year column. Finally, the same happens for month and day attributes:

df['date_todate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])

df['date_year'] = df['date_todate'].dt.year
df['date_month'] = df['date_todate'].dt.month
df['date_day'] = df['date_todate']

String Editing

Some columns use HTML character entity names for reserved characters. For example, & in place of &. This is great for rendering HTML but not great for analytics.

My script uses the str.replace string method to return a copy of each string with all occurrences of the specified substring replaced by a new one. Here, all instances of & amp; in the name column are overwritten with &:

df['name'] = df['name'].str.replace('& amp;','&')

So that’s the transformations. What else is the script doing?

Python Script

Most of the Silver script processes are similar to the Bronze script ones, including:

  • Logging
  • Getting parameters
  • Accessing S3 objects

So most functionality is reused from my Bronze Lambda function, which is fully documented in this post. To summarise the imports:

import logging                          # Logging
import boto3                            # AWS Interactions
import botocore                         # AWS Exceptions
import awswrangler as wr                # S3 Interactions
import pandas as pd                     # Data Manipulation
from botocore.client import BaseClient  # AWS Type Hints

Some changes have been made for the Silver script:

  • Parameters, object names and logs have been updated from Bronze to Silver:
parametername_snstopic: str = '/sns/data/lakehouse/silver'"Getting S3 Silver parameter...")

s3_bucket_silver = get_parameter_from_ssm(client_ssm, parametername_s3bucket_silver)
  • New functionality identifies the AWS AccountID the script is running in:
# Get & display AWS AccountID
identity = client_sts.get_caller_identity()
account_id = identity['Account']"Starting in AWS Account ID {account_id}")

This is more of a sanity check for me – I have several AWS accounts and want to check I’ve accessed the right one!

  • A test that stops the current loop interaction if the object name doesn’t match one of the expected ones:
# Check if object is mapped and bypass if not.
if object_name not in {'posts', 'statistics_pages', 'term_relationship', 'term_taxonomy', 'terms'}:

logging.warning(f'{object_name} is not currently mapped.  Skipping transform...')

object_count_failure += 1

Finally, I wrote a new function for my Silver transformation logic. This isn’t included here (although it is in my repo) because it’s long. Very long! My first thought was to decouple the ETL processes from each other and write separate scripts for each object. So 5 in total.

However, Python Shell jobs are billed per second with a 1-minute minimum. So 5 jobs = 5 minutes billed. But the job only takes around 60 seconds to process all five objects! I’d have run up 5 times the usage and 5 times the cost for no real benefit.

The full script is in my Github repo.

Testing was quick because it was effectively repeating the Bronze script tests with new parameters. After successfully testing the script locally, it’s time to get it working in AWS!

Uploading & Testing

In this section I upload my Silver ETL script, integrate it with AWS Glue Script Editor and AWS Step Functions and test everything works as expected.

Creating The Python Shell Job

Firstly, let’s get my script into AWS Glue. There are several ways of doing this. If the script is uploaded to S3 then AWS can create a Glue ETL job with the AWS CLI create-job command:


 aws glue create-job --name python-job-cli --role Glue_DefaultRole 
     --command '{"Name" :  "pythonshell", "PythonVersion": "3.9", "ScriptLocation" : "s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/"}'  
     --max-capacity 0.0625

And with the AWS CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Job resource:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Type: 'AWS::Glue::Job'
        Name: pythonshell
        PythonVersion: '3.9'
        ScriptLocation: 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/'
      MaxRetries: 0
      Name: python-39-job
      Role: RoleName           

Scripts can also be pulled from Git repositories. Here I’ll create my Silver ETL job in the Glue Script Editor console. This creates a new Python script in an S3 bucket location of s3://aws-glue-assets-[AWSAccountID]-[Region]/scripts/.

Next, the new job needs an IAM role with appropriate permissions for the AWS services the script interacts with. Other parameters, including maximum DPU, job timeout value and Python version, can also be set. In addition, Glue Data Quality checks are also supported. And, once saved, the Glue job can have a schedule applied.

Testing Job Execution

AWS Glue records data for each job execution and publishes extensive details and logs:

2024 08 09 AWSGlueJobRun

Glue stores details about the job and Python environment, and logs are published and stored in Amazon Cloudwatch.

And so begins the testing! Initially, I was getting one of my own Python boto3 exceptions:

ValueError: No SNS topic returned.

Easy to fix. This IAM policy was based on the same one that my Bronze Lambda function uses. But the Silver ETL script uses different AWS resources so some IAM policy ARNs need to change. Specifically, the Silver ETL job’s IAM role needs to allow:

  • ssm:GetParameter on the required Parameter Store parameters.
  • sns:Publish on the required SNS topics.
  • s3:GetObject on the data-lakehouse-silver/wordpress_api/* objects.

With these changes, the Silver ETL job runs perfectly and creates new objects in the Silver S3 bucket:

2024 08 09 MonitoringTimeline

With the Glue job running and S3 object creation verified successfully, it’s time to validate the data.

Data Integration & Validation

Validating the data involves two processes:

  • Integrating the data into the Glue Data Catalog.
  • Querying the data with Amazon Athena.

There are several ways to update the Glue Data Catalog, and here I’ll create a new Glue Crawler using a similar setup to my Bronze Crawler. This time the crawler is reading objects from the Silver S3 bucket instead of the Bronze one, and the new Glue Data Catalog tables are prefixed with silver- instead of bronze-.

The Silver crawler creates these new tables in the Glue Data Catalog’s wordpress_api database:

2024 08 06 GlueDataCatalog

This gives Athena visibility of the tables, enabling data validation via SQL query execution. Querying wordpress_api.silver-terms shows the removed column and updated strings:

2024 08 06 AthenaSilverTerms

And querying wordpress_api.silver-statistics_pages shows the split dates:

2024 08 06 AthenaSilverStatistics pages

Looks good! Now that everything has been validated, let’s add these steps to the WordPress Data Pipeline.

Step Function Update

The WordPress Data Pipeline Step Function workflow that I started back in March continues to grow. There’s a new job and a second crawler to add to it now!

The Silver crawler is added in the same way as the Bronze one (including the IAM changes) so let’s focus on adding the new Glue Python Shell ETL job.

Adding Glue ETL jobs to a Step Function workflow is well documented The task uses the StartJobRun Glue API action under the hood and has an optimized integration that enables the .sync integration pattern. Enabling this means the Step Functions workflow waits for the StartJobRun request to complete before progressing to the next state.

However, my workflow currently lacks IAM permissions to run the Silver Glue ETL job. So I make a new IAM policy that allows the glue:StartJobRun action on the Silver Glue ETL job and attach it to the workflow’s IAM role:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": "arn:aws:glue:eu-west-1:[REDACTED]:job/wordpressapi_silver"

My Step Function workflow now looks like this:

2024 08 09 stepfunctions graph

Let’s execute the Step Function workflow and check it works.

Step Function Test

Upon execution, everything works as intended. The new StartGlueJob action is triggered and the Glue ETL job is successful:

2024 08 06 GlueJobDetails

But the Step Function doesn’t transition to the next step. In fact it continued running to the point I had to stop it myself after several minutes:

2024 08 06 StepFunctionsStop

So what’s going on? I asked Amazon Q about this behaviour, and in its response were the following points:

  1. Step Functions uses a “sync” integration with AWS Glue, which means it relies on polling the status of the Glue job using the GetJobRun API call.
  2. The polling schedule is designed to be once per minute for the first 10 minutes, and then every 5 minutes thereafter. This is to avoid excessive API calls to Glue.
Amazon Q

Q also linked to this AWS repost answer with further details:

This is an expected behavior in case of .sync integration with AWS Glue. Service integrations that use the .sync pattern require additional IAM permissions where Step Functions will make use of a managed Eventbridge rule to monitor the status of the job. However, AWS Glue does not support Eventbridge integration and thus, Step Functions polls the job status using the GetJobRun API call to fetch the status of the job.

This made things clearer. When Step Functions starts a Glue ETL job using a StartGlueJob action with optimized integration, Step Functions determines that job’s status (and thus when to transition to the next action) by calling Glue’s GetJobRun API.

However, my workflow’s IAM role doesn’t have permission to do that! And because Step Functions can’t determine the ETL job’s status, it doesn’t know that the job has finished and the next state transition never happens! Everything stops!

This is resolved by adding the glue:GetJobRun action to the workflow’s IAM policy:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": "arn:aws:glue:eu-west-1:REDACTED:job/wordpressapi_silver"

This time, the Glue GetJobRun API calls are successful. The Step Functions workflow validates that the ETL job has finished, moves to the next state as intended and ultimately completes successfully:

2024 08 06 ExecutionSuccessFull

Thanks Amazon Q!


Finally, let’s look at the costs for my Glue Script Editor Silver ETL Job resources.

This graph shows all Glue API costs between 2024-07-31 (first AWS job execution) and 2024-09-09:

2024 08 09 CostExplorerGlue

Of the $0.38:

  • $0.37 is the CrawlerRun API for the two Glue Crawlers I’m running.
  • $0.01 is the Jobrun API for the 15 job runs between 2024-07-31 and 2024-09-09.

So all things considered, very manageable!


In this post, I created my WordPress data pipeline’s Silver ETL process using Python and the AWS Glue ETL Job Script Editor.

I found the Script Editor jobs very useful. They offer Lambda’s benefits of scalability, managed infrastructure and integration with other AWS services, combined with data-centric libraries and features that make it easier to hit the ground running development-wise. It has clear limitations and could do with some AWS TLC, but it was a good fit here and rivals Lambda for some future ETL processes I have planned.

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Data & Analytics

Discovering Data With AWS Glue

In this post, I use the data discovering features of AWS Glue to crawl and catalogue my WordPress API pipeline data.

Table of Contents


By the end of my WordPress Bronze Data Orchestration post, I had created an AWS Step Function workflow that invokes two AWS Lambda functions:

stepfunctions graph

The data_wordpressapi_raw function gets data from the WordPress API and stores it as CSV objects in Amazon S3. The data_wordpressapi_bronze function transforms these objects to Parquet and stores them in a separate bucket. If either function fails, AWS SNS publishes an alert.

While this process works fine, the extracted data is not currently utilized. To derive value from this data, I need to consider transforming it. Several options are available, such as:

  • Creating new Lambda functions.
  • Importing the data into a database.
  • Third-party solutions like Databricks.

Here, I’ve chosen to use AWS Glue. As a fully managed ETL service, Glue automates various data processes in a low-code environment. I’ve not written much about it, so it’s time that changed!

Firstly, I’ll examine AWS Glue and some of its concepts. Next, I’ll create some Glue resources that interact with my WordPress S3 objects. Finally, I’ll integrate those resources into my existing Step Function workflow and examine their costs.

Let’s begin with some information about AWS Glue.

AWS Glue Concepts

This section explores AWS Glue and some of its data discovering features.

AWS Glue

From the AWS Glue User Guide:

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy for analytics users to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources. You can use it for analytics, machine learning, and application development. It also includes additional productivity and data ops tooling for authoring, running jobs, and implementing business workflows.

Glue can be accessed using the AWS Glue console web interface and the AWS Glue Studio graphical interface. It can also be accessed programmatically via the AWS Glue CLI and the AWS Glue SDK.

Benefits of AWS Glue include:

  • Data-specific features like data cataloguing, schema discovery, and automatic ETL code generation.
  • Infrastructure optimised for ETL tasks and data processes.
  • Built-in scheduling capabilities and job execution.
  • Integration with other AWS services like Athena and Redshift.

AWS Glue’s features fall into Discover, Prepare, Integrate and Transform categories. The Glue features used in this post come from the data discovering category.

Glue Data Catalog

An AWS Glue Data Catalog is a managed repository serving as a central hub for storing metadata about data assets. It includes table and job definitions, and other control information for managing an AWS Glue environment. Each AWS account has a dedicated AWS Glue Data Catalog for each region.

The Data Catalog stores information as metadata tables, with each table representing a specific data store and its schema. Glue tables can serve as sources or targets in job definitions. Tables are organized into databases, which are logically grouped collections of related table definitions.

Each table contains column names, data type definitions, partition information, and other metadata about a base dataset. Data Catalog tables can be populated either manually or using Glue Crawlers.

Glue Crawler

A Glue Crawler connects to a data store, analyzes and determines its schema, and then creates metadata tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. They can run on-demand, be automated by services like Amazon EventBridge Scheduler and AWS Step Functions, and be started by AWS Glue Triggers.

Crawlers can crawl several data stores including:

  • Amazon S3 buckets via native client.
  • Amazon RDS databases via JDBC.
  • Amazon DocumentDB via MongoDB client.

An activated Glue Crawler performs the following processes on the chosen data store:

  • Firstly, data within the store is classified to determine its format, schema and properties.
  • Secondly, data is grouped into tables or partitions.
  • Finally, the Glue Data Catalog is updated. Glue creates, updates and deletes tables and partitions, and then writes the metadata to the Data Catalog accordingly.

Now let’s create a Glue Crawler!

Creating A Glue Crawler

In this section, I use the AWS Glue console to create and run a Glue Crawler for discovering my WordPress data.

Crawler Properties & Sources

There are four steps to creating a Glue Crawler. Step One involves setting the crawler’s properties. Each crawler needs a name and can have optional descriptions and tags. This crawler’s name is wordpress_bronze.

Step Two sets the crawler’s data sources, which is greatly influenced by whether the data is already mapped in Glue. If it is then the desired Glue Data Catalog tables must be selected. Since my WordPress data isn’t mapped yet, I need to add the data sources instead.

My Step Function workflow puts the data in S3, so I select S3 as my data source and supply the path of my bronze S3 bucket’s wordpress_api folder. The crawler will process all folders and files contained in this S3 path.

Finally, I need to configure the crawler’s behaviour for subsequent runs. I keep the default setting, which re-crawls all folders with each run. Other options include crawling only folders added since the last crawl or using S3 Events to control which folders to crawl.

Classifiers are also set here but are out of scope for this post.

Crawler Security & Targets

Step Three configures security settings. While most of these are optional, the crawler needs an IAM role to interact with other AWS services. This role consists of two IAM policies:

  • An AWSGlueServiceRole AWS managed policy which allows access to related services including EC2, S3, and Cloudwatch Logs.
  • A customer-managed policy with s3:GetObject and s3:PutObject actions allowed on the S3 path given in Step Two.

This role can be chosen from existing roles or created with the crawler.

Step Four begins with setting the crawler’s output. The Crawler creates new tables, requiring the selection of a target database for these tables. This database can be pre-existing or created with the crawler.

An optional table name prefix can also be set, which enables easy table identification. I create a wordpress_api database in the Glue Data Catalog, and set a bronze- prefix for the new tables.

The Crawler’s schedule is also set here. The default is On Demand, which I keep as my Step Function workflow will start this crawler. Besides this, there are choices for Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Custom cron expressions.

Advanced options including how the crawler should handle detected schema changes and deleted objects in the data store are also available in Step Four, although I’m not using those here.

And with that, my crawler is ready to try out!

Running The Crawler

My crawler can be tested by accessing it in the Glue console and selecting Run Crawler:

2024 05 23 RunCrawler

The crawler’s properties include run history. Each row corresponds to a crawler execution, recording data including:

  • Start time, end time and duration.
  • Execution status.
  • DPU hours for billing.
  • Changes to tables and partitions.
2024 05 23 GlueCrawlerRuns

AWS stores the logs in an aws-glue/crawlers CloudWatch Log Group, in which each crawler has a dedicated log stream. Logs include messages like the crawler’s configuration settings at execution:

Crawler configured with Configuration 
    "Version": 1,
    "CreatePartitionIndex": true
 and SchemaChangePolicy 
    "UpdateBehavior": "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE",
    "DeleteBehavior": "DEPRECATE_IN_DATABASE"

And details of what was changed and where:

Table bronze-statistics_pages in database wordpress_api has been updated with new schema

Checking The Data Catalog

So what impact has this had on the Data Catalog? Accessing it and selecting the wordpress_api database now shows five tables, each matching S3 objects created by the Step Functions workflow:

2024 05 23 GlueDataCatalogTables

Data can be viewed by selecting Table Data on the desired row. This action executes an Athena query, triggering a message about the cost implications:

You will be taken to Athena to preview data, and you will be charged separately for Athena queries.

If accepted, Athena generates and executes a SQL query in a new tab. In this example, the first ten rows have been selected from the wordpress_api database’s bronze-posts table:

FROM "AwsDataCatalog"."wordpress_api"."bronze-posts" 

When this query is executed, Athena checks the Glue Data Catalog for the bronze-posts table in the wordpress_api database. The Data Catalog provides the S3 location for the data, which Athena reads and displays successfully:

2024 05 23 AthenaBronzeQueryResults

Now that the crawler works, I’ll integrate it into my Step Function workflow.

Crawler Integration & Costs

In this section, I integrate my Glue Crawler into my existing Step Function workflow and examine its costs.

Architectural Diagrams

Let’s start with some diagrams. This is how the crawler will behave:

While updating the crawler’s wordpress_bronze CloudWatch Log Stream throughout:

  1. The wordpress_bronze Glue Crawler crawls the bronze S3 bucket’s wordpress-api folder.
  2. The crawler updates the Glue Data Catalog’s wordpress-api database.

This is how the Crawler will fit into my existing Step Functions workflow:

wordpress api stepfunction rawbronze

While updating the workflow’s CloudWatch Log Group throughout:

  1. An EventBridge Schedule executes the Step Functions workflow.
  2. Raw Lambda function is invoked.
    • Invocation Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow ends.
    • Invocation Succeeds: Invoke Bronze Lambda function.
  3. Bronze Lambda function is invoked.
    • Invocation Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow ends.
    • Invocation Succeeds: Run Glue Crawler.
  4. Glue Crawler runs.
    • Run Fails: Publish SNS message. Workflow ends.
    • Run Succeeds: Update Glue Data Catalog. Workflow ends.

An SNS message is published if the Step Functions workflow fails.

Step Function Integration

Time to build! Let’s begin with the crawler’s requirements:

  • The crawler must only run after both Lambda functions.
  • It must also only run if both functions invoke successfully first.
  • If the crawler fails it must alert via the existing PublishFailure SNS topic.

This requires adding an AWS Glue: StartCrawler action to the workflow after the second AWS Lambda: Invoke action:

2024 05 23 StepFunctionStartCrawler

This action differs from the ones I’ve used so far. The existing actions all use optimized integrations that provide special Step Functions workflow functionality.

Conversely, StartCrawler uses an SDK service integration. These integrations behave like a standard AWS SDK API call, enabling more fine-grained control and flexibility than optimised integrations at the cost of needing more configuration and management.

Here, the Step Functions StartCrawler action calls the Glue API StartCrawler action. After adding it to my workflow, I update the action’s API parameters with the desired crawler’s name:

  "Name": "wordpress_bronze"

Next, I update the action’s error handling to catch all errors and pass them to the PublishFailure task. These actions produce these additions to the workflow’s ASL code:

  "Start Bronze Crawler": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "End": true,
      "Parameters": {
        "Name": "wordpress_bronze"
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:glue:startCrawler",
      "Catch": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "Next": "PublishFailure"

And result in an updated workflow graph:

stepfunctions graph gluecrawler

Additionally, the fully updated Step Functions workflow ASL script can be viewed on my GitHub.

Finally, I need to update the Step Function workflow IAM role’s policy so that it can start the crawler. This involves allowing the glue:StartCrawler action on the crawler’s ARN:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowBronzeGlueCrawler",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

My Step Functions workflow is now orchestrating the Glue Crawler, which will only run once both Lambda functions are successfully invoked. If either function fails, the SNS topic is published and the crawler does not run. If the crawler fails, the SNS topic is published. Otherwise, if everything runs successfully, the crawler updates the Data Catalog as needed.

So how much does discovering data with AWS Glue cost?

Glue Costs

This is from AWS Glue’s pricing page for crawlers:

There is an hourly rate for AWS Glue crawler runtime to discover data and populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. You are charged an hourly rate based on the number of Data Processing Units (or DPUs) used to run your crawler. A single DPU provides 4 vCPU and 16 GB of memory. You are billed in increments of 1 second, rounded up to the nearest second, with a 10-minute minimum duration for each crawl.

$0.44 per DPU-Hour, billed per second, with a 10-minute minimum per crawler run

And for the Data Catalog:

With the AWS Glue Data Catalog, you can store up to a million objects for free. If you store more than a million objects, you will be charged $1.00 per 100,000 objects over a million, per month. An object in the Data Catalog is a table, table version, partition, partition indexes, statistics or database.

The first million access requests to the Data Catalog per month are free. If you exceed a million requests in a month, you will be charged $1.00 per million requests over the first million. Some of the common requests are CreateTable, CreatePartition, GetTable , GetPartitions, and GetColumnStatisticsForTable.

So how does this relate to my workflow? The below Cost Explorer chart shows my AWS Glue API costs from 01 May to 28 May. Only the CrawlerRun API operation has generated charges, with a daily average of $0.02:

2024 05 28 GlueAPICostMay28

My May 2024 AWS bill shows further details on the requests and storage items. The Glue Data Catalog’s free tier covers my usage:

2024 05 28 GlueCostsMay28

Finally, let’s review the entire pipeline’s costs for April and May. Besides Glue, my only other cost remains S3:

2024 05 28 CostExplorerAprMay


In this post, I used the data discovering features of AWS Glue to crawl and catalogue my WordPress API pipeline data.

Glue’s native features and integration with other AWS services make it a great fit for my WordPress pipeline’s pending processes. I’ll be using additional Glue features in future posts, and wanted to spotlight the Data Catalog early on as it’ll become increasingly helpful as my use of AWS Glue increases.

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